Finally After A Year

About a year ago I sent an E Mail to the head on one of the Largest Warehouse Management Companies around, they are an International Company and Own and Operate Big Commercial Warehouses. They own 50% of them in Northern Nevada, Today I got a call from them wanting to see if I had enough Insurance Coverage to work for them and wanted me to fax all my coverage over. They said they would be in touch in the next few days so lets hope so :D

I have been in contact 4 or 5 times with them, but the PM here in town said they were happy with the service they were getting, but wanted me to send some more info about my company to them to look it over, every now and then I send out a post card just so my name stays in front of them and I think maybe it might have payed off. I hope to know more soon about bidding on some jobs for them and I hope it is a TON of Job sites, they warehouses are Very Large.

This is the Second Big Contact I have got from E Mailing the President of a Company and he in return has passed my info down to a local PM, The first one I got 6 shopping centers both sweeping and washing it was a 100 grand a year account and it was the first time that I had ever sent out an E Mail to a President of a Company, so I can say try anything and everything at your finger tips to get in the door. It may not work every time, but it does work and does not cost you anything but a little time to look for company info, Just don't spam them, use it to find out who the local PM is and then contact them. I have it passed on to about 6 District Manager Pm's this way, if their name is not on their websites. Just something to think about when you are bored and looking for work the lazy way ;) You have nothing to loose if you are like me and not a salesman.

Now wish me luck that I pick up 100 Warehouses LOL
I sent it as a Letter to the Pres and had an Attachment with it telling all the services that we did, he replied that next day telling me thanks and he was forwarding it onto the District PM here in town. That not only got a response from her by him sending the info but I then knew just who to target with follow up phone call because her direct phone # was in her info on the e mail then I was able to send Broacher's in the mail to her and post cards. I knew I was getting to the head person then. If you can get them to respond to you I have found out that I get a direct phone number in their tag line in the e mail they send back to you so no more gate keeper you have a direct line to them.

I had never done any marketing before, this was my first try starting out and I had no idea what to do so I used the INTERNET to find Management Companies here in town, it has payed off for me so I guess anything is worth a try.
Thanks Jeff, I knew no other way when I started out so I gave it a try and every few months send them a post card just to stay in front of them. Lets hope I get just a few properties to get the ball rolling and it seems they must not be as happy with the service they are getting now from the other company, everything was sent over yesterday so now it's just a waiting game lol until the contact me for bids and I know they will if they have gone this far. I'm going to have to hire people soon as I'm tired of work 7 days a week right now, I had my first day off since Oct a week ago, time for hired help and people are sending me their resumes like crazy right now. The labor pool has never been better for Quality Help.
Thats awesome Terry! Emails are one thing I can not figure out how to utilize properly to get in front of someone. Of course I know how to email, but to make it effective is where I come up short. Would you mind posting a sample email that you send? Or PM it if that would be better? if not, I understand, ive just never seen anyones emails to PM's before.
Terry if you should like to be able to offer them another level of clean that is less intrusive, more economical, and more likely to be jumped on then consider subbing me over the hill and I'll stick autoscrubber on them. Big open areas we can make close to same profitability. Just not as much total dollar.
Well I'm not sure what they want just yet LOL I have only had contact with the Underling and she is not telling me much about what they want, it could be Sweeping or it Could be Washing, I just don't know as of yet, either way it PAYS :D