Fat women make less money

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Is this a real study we pay people to do. Did we really need a study daaaa they make less

Kidding any fat women that may be looking at this post.

Seriously this was on la news.

It's funny watching there news.

The new caster said I make more money because I'm beautiful. The reason fat people make less is because they settle. The guy really said that!!!!

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
What a waste of time and money on that study. It is BS look at Oprah, Rosie, Whoppi...

Wow if you ad Oprah women average would go way up

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
O, R, and W are not fat ! Big bones and just large. America is Fat and unhealthy . Double chins have been replaced by triple chins and a pill for desert.
I saw the same survey. It also said that women who wear makeup regularly get paid more. I guess I am screwed....lol