Facebook and UAMCC

Scott Stone

New member
FYI, the UAMCC now has a facebook page. It is open membership, so if you would like to join, search "UAMCC" and sign up. Invite all the contractors that you know.
You need to be a facebook member, then you can do a search for the UAMCC.

If you have a problem, ask your daughter.
You need to fix the description (You left out MOBILE in the full name!)
What is Facebook?

Its something my kids in college use. They wont let there myspace go.

I may look into facebook, I still use my yearbook. I actually like classmates.com

I suppose it will help them network with all leads they know. Kinda like a big party swapping leads.

I think I'll keep my contacts private right now. I'm getting back to in the face marketing.

We have cut down on mailing and focusing on visiting the customers more. Even the potential clients are responding better in these tough times.

Are number are up and i believe its only because we didnt stop this. we actually increased this in the last three months.
Ron its way better than calssmates , way way better!

I didnt get into linkin either, I know its great.

I'm going to join it for sure. Its a great resource and you should use them for sure.
I was playing around with matt
Not anymore than Matt was playing with you...