exit reports


Im thinking about having our exit reports printed on the reverse side of our invoices.......what do ya'll think about that? any thoughts (good or bad) would be helpful
What is an exit report? and what do you use it for?

Douglas Hicks
General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc
I use a two part form for my exit report. I file the second part along with all information for the month. My Exit report is a condition report for the service, areas cleaned-unable and any other information. I have a place for the invoice number so that the account and myself have a way to put two and two together.

I would not want to put this report on the back of a invoice, because you need a copy.

I would not make it part of the invoice, most places send the invoices off to be paid and I would think an exit report should stay with the restaurant, especially if it contains important information. You will also want a copy of this report with signatures. If you report inaccessible area's to someone and they don't address the problem and the place later has a fire, you are going to want proof that you told someone.
exit report

I never thought about putting the invoice number on it ,was thinking of a 2 part carbonles I was on the line of thinking that it woulndnt get misplaced or lost by the customer, they have a habit of keeping track of their invoices

Douglas, its an "after service report"

Bryan , your right, it does need to stay at the store, the reason behind my idea was beause last night one of the McD's we do was informed 12 weeks ago(on a seperate report) that the fusable link on the ansul was not connected to the trip wire which led to to think that the system was and is disabled, which is a SERIOUS fire hazard, manager was informed and his replie was "O ya I remember somthing about that, the owner never fixes anything "

But I do think that we'll keep doing them the way we have been and keep them on a seperate sheet

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