Lightning Gene

Active member
Cruising along on the way to a job this morning when a Wal-Mart truck came out of a truck Stop crossing 4 lanes of the Hwy. I told my helper hang on ....Had my brakes locked up and hit the trailer back by the wheels....Scratch 1 truck but it was driveable...Partner not hurt but spent 6 hrs in ER cking my neck shoulders and chest xrays.Pretty sore but I wll survive...He was given a ticket for failure to yield right of way.. Can You Say GENE-Mart?............
We are both home but as soon as I said Wal-Mart at the ER they decided ALOT of xrays needed to be taken......Just sore for now but Im sure it will get worst tomorrow.....Ain't drugs wonderful?
Good Lord! We got Bob mart on one board and Gene mart on this board and Wal mart down on every corner.... I don't know where to go anymore. Too many choices. I'm so confused! Glad to here you guys ended up ok Gene. You did didn't you? ;)
Good Lord! We got Bob mart on one board and Gene mart on this board and Wal mart down on every corner.... I don't know where to go anymore. Too many choices. I'm so confused! Glad to here you guys ended up ok Gene. You did didn't you? ;)

Make a long story short ....Wal mart now says lets let each others insurance pay.....even tho they got a ticket for blocking 4 lanes of hwy after pulling out in front of me and their driver ticketed for failure to yield right of way.....Now I have to get an attorney and sue for more than I would have settled for in the first place.....OH the World of Big Business
It will probley take a while, but it will be $worth$ it in the long run!! glad your ok!!!
Don't ya love how they cause their own pain? Probably thought you were just gonna lay down on that one and say OK! :eek:
They try to Bully you, hopeing you don't have the money to fight back with a lawyer so they can save money.....

My daughter jumped out of a walmart shopping cart when she was 2 or so did a total header.. looked kind of painfull! Walmart stopped us, did an incident report, then we received 7 calls that night from Walmart lawyers trying to figure out if we had plans on sueing them! It was not there fault my daughter jumped out. (she did have the belt on by the way)