I try to catch him every night Josh,I basically listen to talk radio or motivational tapes,I dont listen to FM much anymore.Michael Savage (not his real name,he changed his last name.) is a very intelligent guy who shoots from the hip,and speaks the truth without worrying about politically correct BS .He pissed off the gays,and had his TV show cancelled because of it.I wish more people would listen to Michael Savages show,this country would be alot safer if the politicians listened to him instead of kissing special interest $$ groups asses and worrying more about getting re-elected and back room deals ,than doing the job we hired them to do.Sorry about the political rant,Talking about Micahel Savage fires me up! Language,borders and culture!! He really pisses off the Gays and the Muslims because he says the truth.Sometimes he gets a little out of hand,but for the most part I like the guy a lot.