Erecting Temporary Chemical Collection Devices

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
Hey guys, ever thought of a way to erect a temporary gutter like device on a roof to collect the run off ?
A guy in Australia I knew some time ago erected SPONGES around the house he said ?
The sponges held the run off, and he rinsed em out, and re used them.
Possible good idea

What about the "Absorbent Socks" you see in industrial settings. You can usually get them in 36" lengths. It just might help. You could possibly use them to dam up areas at the downspouts, also! They soak up alot of liquid.
Paul, I just went to your website and the first thing I see is a Mosmatic high pressure roof cleaner . . . basically a surface cleaner. Why would you offer such a machine? Surely you know high pressure on certain roofs (like the shingle roof depicted on your site) can cause severe damage.
That cleaner is designed to be both height adjustable and pressure adjustable with nozzles, so you can go lower pressure to whatever you want.

It is designed for steep pitch roofs as well as tile, metal, asphalt...whatever. I know it may look bad but they were doing that shingle roof at a low psi to avoid damage i believe under 500 psi. It is a versatile machine.
I know theres many ways to clean a roof, but if soemone gets their hands on it, and doesnt know how to tell the age/condition of a roof, even 500 PSI could cause major damage. I think the pitch witch operates at like 200 psi? but that thing take foooorrrreeeeveerr to clean a roof with
Like all equipment each has its own application. Given the right set of circumstances just about anything can cause damage if you don't know what your doing...