Enjoy my follies


New member
After getting my equipment, I had to delay putting together and practicing for a bit due to family issues. The last couple of days I have been putting my equipment together, practicing and learning how things work. Up until today, so far so good.

Decided to get photos of washing our rock retaining wall and our pool deck today. To do the deck I removed the safety cover this morning. No big deal. At some point today I switched nozzles and failed to secure it. Fortunately I was pointing the gun in a safe direction (safety first) and the nozzle took flight. I believe it is somewhere between here and the west coast. Finders keepers.

Fortunately I had a replacement nozzle (better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it) After I used my surface scrubber for the pool deck I used my wand to edge around the pool. Lost my footing and took a swim. Man is that water cold. I do not know the temperature at this point, but I know it is no where close to swimmable.

Tomorrow I am going to be doing my wood deck. Hopefully with fewer cases of the stupids.
I have fallen in a pool twice, both times in the winter in Florida and both times I had to call my wife to bring me clothes.
Ha Ha Ha...... Thanks, after today, I needed a good laugh!

Thanks for sharing!:thumbup2:
Could be worse, but could have been a lot better. I'm not going to tell my wife because I do not want to give her the satisfaction :)
Hey Keenan welcome to the "Kluts Klub" I fell in 3 times doing business. Once when I used to clean pools and I stood on the diving board and it wasn't bolted in, another was when Powerwashing a pool area and the last one was about 3 yrs ago when my guys were finishing up and i was looking at the pond area and I tripped on a rock and stumbled for about 10 ft and almost made it but I just couldn't do it and in the drink I went in front of my guys and the homeowner who was coming out to pay.. We had a good laugh.