Engine sputtered then died


New member
Went to fire her up today, she started to run for about 40 seconds and just diedI put more gas in thought that was the problem, turned the key she cranked but wouldn't startIs there a check down list of things to try next that you guys do? 18 hp vanguardWe had record rainfall here in N.Y. I do keep my machine covered with a BBQ canvas cover and tightly tied with rope.Maybe the plugs got wet some how....I don't know
I'd definitely check the oil first.

Does this machine see daily use?
Remove a plug first and see if you have spark, even if you have a low oil shut down and the oil level is ok, disconect it and see if that solves it, they do go bad, you said you have had rain, check if air filter is wet with water, or it could have sucked water in a dirty filter and pluged it up. Best to keep your stuff covered if left out side in the rain. things to start with, hope it helps
One of our machines did that awhile back. After checking the oil which was ok we unplugg the low oil switch, then we cleaned the plugs still would not stay running. Then we held the key switch after turning the motor on and it continue to run. Changed out the key switch and now work fine. Of course our motor is a Honda.
I have one of those marine or auxiliary fuel tanks that has the knob on the fuel cap that you have to open a little to let air in so the fuel will flow out.

Sometimes I forget to open that knob and the pressure washer will start surging and then finally die if I don't open that knob on the fuel cap.

Some fuel caps on the Honda engine tanks are cheaper than the older caps and they don't vent good, even when brand new.

On your engine that was covered, if it had not done this before then I would check the fuel cap, low oil sensor and also the fuel filter, sometimes the fuel pump goes out and you will not see gas in the clear fuel filter but sometimes the fuel filter gets clogged with water or trash.

Let us know what you find out.
If it just rained even though you had it covered you may have moisture in the gas. Put some dry gas in and if you open up the carb and give a shot of carb cleaner to help dry up what is in the carb. You may have to crank it a few times to get dry good gas shot into the carborator. We have had this work on a unit with a similar problem.
Had this happen on a new machine as well as older ones. It always seemed to be the gas cap. The newer caps suck.
Ive been going threw the same thing. It was running funny. Back fired, and finally died at one point. It would start back up but wouldnt run long, so I drained the gas last night, put some fresh gas in. Seems to be running alot better. It died on me when I was sat up at a fedex account. Couldnt have been worse timing. Maybe try ur gas. good luck
Oil looks good, maybe I should have gone with a higher grade of gas
I will follow up with some of your tips given here and see what's, what.

Check to see if you have fuel flow when cranking the engine over, it may be the fuel pump. Use starting fluid or a tea spoon of gas into the carb and see if it starts and than dies. Like others have said, check the low oil level switch, fuel filter, spark and air filter. Good luck!
Maybe it just doesn't like you!!!! Hahaha! I have thought this about my equipment when it decides to give me a rough time.