Eminent Domain being used to take rice farmer's land


Can someone please explain to me how this can happen?

I thought that if the city or state needed the land for highway or condemn it for hazards like soil contamination or something else like this but here it is for a private company to build the crude oil pipeline from up north going south through the rice farmer's properties.

How can the court let this happen?

Am I missing something here?

Please tell me how this can happen.

They took people's homes here in Long Branch, NJ to build new condos and a mall, claiming they needed the tax revenue.
Amerika the Beautiful.

The only thing that is going to change this is if we grow a set and thousands of patriots flock to these locations and stand toe to toe, and weapon to weapon against the authorities instead of just letting it happen because "it doesn't affect me".

In a different scenario, while I think David Koresh was a nutcase, there should have been militia from Texas and thousands of patriots from other areas on the side of freedom and the Waco experiment would have turned out a lot differently.

Your answer, Chris, is because we are spineless cowards and we just keep allowing unscrupulous "authorities' from the local politicians all the way down to the brainwashed cop who enforces these violations of our rights, to bend us over and shove it to us without a fight.