Email Advertising

Tim Smith

Thanks Mike H for inspiring me to research this idea.

How can you capture interested prospect's names and e-mail addresses:

Ask for it.

If you have a website - Post on your pages a form for your visitors to fill out to request information. Offer a newsletter or information on deck restoration, etc. The form needs to ask for your visitor's name and e-mail addresses. This is a effective and efficient way to build your list - Your visitors have already shown they are interested by coming to your site.


As you give estimates - ask for email address or have a section on your contract for email address by phone number and signature block.

**Use the 2-Step method for e-mail ads. Instead of sending your prospects directly to your web site have your prospect contact you for more information. Bait and Hook - except the hook is your passion for what you do. Do not try to sell from your ad. you will never be able to present your offer properly in a small e-mail ad & the reader doesn't want to read a book. Encourage the potential customer to request information with no commitment to buy- "Call for a Free Consultation", not estimate. Educate first & then estimate & then rake in the $.

@@@Signature Files

E-mail signatures files are a brief message added to the end of your outgoing email messages. Signature Files serves a similar purpose to a P.S. in a letter. ther reader's eye automatically goes to the end of your message. They want to find out who your are and what your're about before committing time to reading your message. Reader: Am I interested in what the sender of this e-mail has to say? Put signature files on all of your emails, whether its an ad, family, or to a friend -- Keep your business name out there.

The e-mail needs to catch the eye of your prospect so that the reader takes time to read your message. Use Attention getting words and graphics or pictures - Before & After pictures will grab their attention. Show the reader Results.

What do you think?