Effective, Economical Roof Treatment

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
Check this out ?

"Bleach is a much more effective antimicrobial chemical at an acidic pH value than at the alkaline Ph value at which bleach is manufactured and stored. A small amount of household vinegar is sufficient to lower the pH of bleach to an acidic range," says Miner.

Miner and his colleagues compared the ability of alkaline (pH 11) and acidified (pH 6) bleach dilutions to disinfect surfaces contaminated with dried bacterial spores, considered the most resistant to disinfectants of all microbes. The alkaline dilution was practically ineffective, killing all of the spores on only 2.5 percent of the surfaces after 20 minutes. During the same time period the acidified solution killed all of the spores on all of the surfaces.

"Diluted bleach at an alkaline pH is a relatively poor disinfectant, but acidified diluted bleach will virtually kill anything in 10 to 20 minutes," says Miner. "In the event of an emergency involving Bacillus anthracis spores contaminating such environmental surfaces as counter tops, desk and table tops, and floors, for example, virtually every household has a sporicidal sterilant available in the form of diluted, acidified bleach."

Miner recommends first diluting one cup of household bleach in one gallon of water and then adding one cup of white vinegar.

This is but one example of why unrinsed roofs STAY cleaner then ones rinsed immediately.
It takes TIME for the solution to KILL all the spores.

Now, if you are doing roof treatments to PREVENT algae spores from coming back, you might want to look into making this up ?
I keep seeing y'all talking about not rinsing. After I clean a roof and before I rinse it, there is a green/brown layer over the whole thing. I could see leaving it if it was going to rain in the next 1-2 hours, but other than that, it looks like crap if its not rinsed. Do you just leave the brown/green layer on it?? or do you not have it and im doing something wrong?!?
I keep seeing y'all talking about not rinsing. After I clean a roof and before I rinse it, there is a green/brown layer over the whole thing. I could see leaving it if it was going to rain in the next 1-2 hours, but other than that, it looks like crap if its not rinsed. Do you just leave the brown/green layer on it?? or do you not have it and im doing something wrong?!?
Sure ya aint got a rusty hose reel, or something rusting in yer system ?
What mix ya using Scott ?
Our roofs are clean when we leave, but the rain makes em cleaner still.
Even a rinsed roof looks better after a couple rains.
roofs like new

We just did our first roof and we used tsp, sh at 2 parts water 1 part sh, the mix did not clean nearly as well as we had hoped it would. I am thinking maybe our
first batch of sh shipped from univar is not at 12.5 percent like it says. Was planning to add additional sh to see if we could get the cleaning power better.

Any ideas here would be most helpful thanks jeff
thats UNIVAR , only had 1 drum out of 40 so far that we had to use a mask when pumping in to our tank.

Mike Dempsey
Mike Dempsey painting
roofs like new

Did you find a supplier that works better. jt
Wow that a weak solution!
Sure is, but acidified it is strong as hell, killing wise :)
Here is a TRICK, acidify it with Boric Acid instead of, or in addition to vinegar :cool:
This way, you also get the long term anti mildew benefits of the boric acid :)
Kinda close to this since one uses 'our' bleach and the one below uses 'household'

Application Data
Mixing Instructions - Shake well before using. Mix in the
proper proportions with bleach and water (80% water,
15% bleach, and 5% Jomax®) :eek:
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Kinda close to this since one uses 'our' bleach and the one below uses 'household'

Application Data
Mixing Instructions - Shake well before using. Mix in the
proper proportions with bleach and water (80% water,
15% bleach, and 5% Jomax®) :eek:

We need to find a "sacrificial lamb" type of cheap coating that will trap our growth preventer in it, and dissolve slowly over time.

What about cheap silicone wax ?
I rinse my roofs off. I tried to leave the "apple sauce on steroids" on a roof once, and the next morning there was a heavy dew. All the chemicals dripped into about 10 azalia bushes and burned them up quiet nicely! Now I wait an hour and rinse very well and flood all the bushes, plants and down spouts from the gutters. Clean roofs and everything lives!
Chris, how much vinegar or boric acid do you recommend to add for the roof mix?

Won't this cause a chemical reaction releasing chlorine gas? Smell worse?

Mike, we suggest NONE of either be added to the mix at this time.
We are experimenting with PH levels, but it is just an experiment at this point.