easter checker game

You bet him,didn't you Ron,you can will,you got him thinking and your acking like you aren't,he's got some pretty good move's.I over looked this thread,guess you hide'd the egg-e pretty good,nice to meet ya.I love to play checkers and think I can put some whup a@@ on ya as Richard says,ha,cann't get no'one around here to play me nomore b/c of that whup a@@ all time.My son made me a checker board years ago that sets on legs with drawers for the checkers,pretty nice,but has dust on it now.
Swim heck man ya'd freeze your quick connects off here,they say 60 for today tho and maybe 70 Wednesday but they have been wrong all winter the ground is still cold and we're flooded.
Hi Ron...Glad Big Boy brought it to my attention that you were playing checkers with your son. Had to move the picture to the left to see him. He is as good looking as you. Love the pictures of the girls swimming too. Nice to see a father taking time with his son. Enjoy the times you have now with them they grow up too soon. Anna:)
Trace are you saying good old Ronnie don't win all the time?

I figured he never lost what he did. Hmmm so he is normal like the rest of us.

Might challenge him next time I am down there.
