Ear Protection


New member
I know most of us wear eye protection (right? ), but how many of you out there are concerned about hearing loss? Most of the time I am fairly far from the unit but they say that the water creates enough noise to cause problems as well...

Any thoughts on this?

Just wondering
I hear ya

I wear hear protectors alot. Any time im around the machine it's a must. I have noticed that when im running my surface cleaner for a couple of hours and I take my H/P off it is pretty loud. I also noticed that when running it without H/P I get used to it and don't relize just how loud it is. My opinion is they are a must all the time, even when driving down the road with the kids in the car!

Oh my gosh Will, this is one subject that got me laffin so hard I just had to post a reply.


I don't need worry about stuff like that, I was born with tone deafness, high pitch sounds I do not hear till they are right on top of me.

Sirens, I see the red lights long before my wife warns me of them.

String instruments, birds, rattlers are things I do not hear.

Low sounds I hear all to well.

Now the best I saved for last, when I was in management years ago with companies and they had meetings, if it was boring I could simply tune them out. Dreaming of a nice weekend or steak dinner and hear not a thing said.

Ah the good and bad of being 65% or so deaf, now kindly repeat what it was you were asking us?