How much do you charge for a day's work.. $800. ? ..more?
Our complete waste tank with auto-pump-out, stainless hardware, and a great warranty,
sells for less than the day of "engineering' will cost you,
and will work and look a whole lot better than home made.
With the special coating we've special ordered for you..
the tanks last an average of 7 to 10 years.
You can cetainly build cheap,
but when the "snap-on-tool" is available at less than "time spent"
just how much is cheap costing you ?
one day ?
PLUS all the parts??
OK, so you're a tinkerer, and just like to tinker.. OK,
I'll sell the parts you'll need, if you like..
you don't have to go searching the countryside..
Drum top with APO, .....just add your own can,
Silencer for the blower, ..with mounting suggestions free.
frame and blower kit, ...cus you might have a motor.
whatever. ...You decide.