drive way cleaning.

Here is drive way we cleaned satureday morning. I used m5 xjet to put soap on to the drive way and used my surface cleaner and still left mold circles so I used straight 12% bleach with pump up sprayer. So I need to ask this if you get heavy dirty drive way that is mostly mold like we do in the south other then sh what can you use to get rid of mold. I have done few drive ways that I had us pump up sprayer apply sh 2 or 3 times to get it clean


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Damn,,,I knew I should have taken pics of the one I did today. Looked almost like that except a little blacker. I had to apply sh to mine twice Chris.
Larry I used the surface cleaner first then I tried my m5 then I had to use pump up sprayer that did the trick.
I ds'ed. Then surface cleaned, then straight sh, then rinsed and then straight sh AGAIN. I could have scraped this slime up with a scrapper. NASTY!!!! Good news is it's in an association neighborhood. I talked to the guy tonight and he said at least 3 people have come over and commented on how bright it looks. The WHOLE 115 drives walks and gutters are all charcoal black. I'm working on getting the whole subdivision Thu the association now. :)
I could have scraped the sidewalk it was that black.The drive way was in my subdivision and the home owner is neighbor that has seen me cleaning my home and other neighbor houses. So he said he wanted a clean drive way did not know anyone to call that he could truest.
Can get my pictures to upload the file is too big and my brain is too small to figure out how to get them to load!!!!


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Hey Chris on the drive in the pictures I sent you I sprayed with 12.5% SH mixed in some TSP and some dishsoap so it would stick longer....had a few spots I had to go over more than once with the surface cleaner but all in all it cleaned pretty welll on the first pass. The customer was so pleased she payed me $40 more than I charged her for the job.......wish they all were like that


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Thank you Chris I will get mine set up so the pictues will load.......need to go get a picture of that drive since it has dried. It is white now.