Don’t mean to brag, don’t mean to boast……

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Don’t mean to brag, don’t mean to boast……

Yeah I do, sold the crap out of some Jobs this week….. Got a new marketing plan that’s really working. 15 shopping centers on regular maintenance in the last month.

Call me if you want the plan of attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 602.694.2680
Hey Ron,
Would I get a list of potential customers as well???
I might be able to use it on my almost secret new venture that I am considering.

"call me if you want the plan of attack"

...hmmm what you want me to call ya huh,I know how to block a plan of attack.

"I might be able to use it on my "almost" secret "new" venture that I am considering."

hmmm... O know don't tell me your throwing ya brush away.

see I take off for a week or two to go fishing and you and Ron either plan or secert stuff from me......hey I can play dat game too,I got a secert plan or plan secert.

Glad its working for both of you but I'm going be mean and say I told ya so.

Come on brother tell me your secert,I know the plan of attack,I want to know what "almost new is,huh.

?? its the reason we keep sending it down river.

SKY BLUE may be the limit to the sky,what color is above the limit?huh.

Do you know why ducks have flat feet?
Ron what time would be convenent to call? I would love to increase my sales! Would save me from filing bankrupt papers! I could use new ideas on marketting my services the ones I have been using are not working worth a hoot! Commercial customers are hard to get or I am not looking in the right places or approaching wrong. Rick
Ron why make us call?
is'nt that why this bb is here to share ideas and stuff?

Come -on - man give it up we all know you love to

No really share your thoughts here so we can all benefit <><><><><><><>
I do flat work as well Ron > not a whole lot but some >> just did 3 business' this weekend >>
Ron I would also like to talk to you about this. I would love to pick up more flat work. What time and day is best to call you? Let me knwo thanks.