Does this SCARE YOU? It Should.....

OK this little Video Scares the Hell Out of ME...... Is this what our Schools are for? Watch it and see if we should be teaching them to SING PRAISE OBAMA.....

Liberalism at it's FINEST.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Now they just need to learn to march and salute ! :fie::fie::fie:
I don't see no problem with that. Obama is not our enemy...he is our president. Our Kids should be brought up to respect our president even though some of us adults may have not voted for him. I also believe that Kids should say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning like I did when I was a kid. Today there are so many parents against that also.

Kids should be allowed to be Kids and when they get older they can make there own choices like we do. Untill then I see no problem with Kids showing the respect that they do that this country needs.
Our schools teaching kids to respect the office of the presidency is one thing but singing praises to him is another. Just my opinion. Its also my opinion that Obama is a disgrace to the office and if my 5 yr. old daughter came home singing a song she learned in school praising him when she has no idea what shes saying then somebody would be getting a phone call. Again, just my opinion. :thank_you2:
I'm sorry you don't see a PROBLEM WITH THIS, Did you Even listen to the Words they were saying? I Guess not .....and it had nothing to do with showing Respect to this country.
I did have a problem making out the words on my PC but if they were singing about the president in a respectable way they again I have no problem with that. Let it be noted that I did not Vote for Obama but my 14 year old and her friends so far think that Obama has been a positive influence to them. Keep in mind they also like Hanna Montanna.
I have no problem with saying the pledge of allegiance, singing the national anthem, prayer in schools, etc..... Praising a man is another story, whether he is the president or whatever. You should not be praising a man, no matter who, especially if you are religious at all.

Sometimes it is hard for people to see what is really going on. Sometimes people can't see the psychology and mind-games that are always on tv that are influencing people in many, many ways.
I have no problem with saying the pledge of allegiance, singing the national anthem, prayer in schools, etc..... Praising a man is another story, whether he is the president or whatever. You should not be praising a man, no matter who, especially if you are religious at all.QUOTE]

What about praising George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Robinson?? I guess this like everything else comes down to different opinions. I think the debate about kids saying prayers in school may be a bigger debate then praising our presidents..
Once again, respect for the office is one thing but not praise for a man they know nothing about. Washington did great things for this country and that should be respected but should they praise a man that was a well known adulterer and egomaniac ? Just depends on your idea of praise and respect. To each his own. :pleasantry:
I think the debate about kids saying prayers in school may be a bigger debate then praising our presidents..

You're absolutely right! And you know what - I'd bet the current administration would never allow prayer in school to even be discussed. What a shameful mess our country is in. Truly only God can save us now.
I Wonder how the Left would have handled GW being Praised like that in School? For some reason I think the ACLU would have got involved LOL I maybe wrong But I Don't Think So.

Here is a Version with NO Music so you can hear the words better and There is No Doubt they are being Brain Washed, Remember Everybody is Equal LOL even their bank Accounts ...........

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I saw that video yesterday and it made me sick. That teacher should be fired, at the very least. Schools are not the place for forced ideologies, such as religion or politics. Those kids are a captive audience, and that teacher was taking advantage of that. It's criminal. Children are there to learn, PERIOD. How about spending more time teaching math, english, or science? This country obviously needs it.
I Wonder how the Left would have handled GW being Praised like that in School? For some reason I think the ACLU would have got involved LOL I maybe wrong But I Don't Think So.
I was thinking the exact same thing... There would have been riots in the streets!!!
I Wonder how the Left would have handled GW being Praised like that in School? For some reason I think the ACLU would have got involved LOL I maybe wrong But I Don't Think So.

Here is a Version with NO Music so you can hear the words better and There is No Doubt they are being Brain Washed, Remember Everybody is Equal LOL even their bank Accounts ...........

<EMBED src= width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

+10 Very well said.

It just amazes me how people just cannot see what is going on.

How can you not see that, it is clear as day.

I guess maybe some parts of the country have been doing this for a while so they would not think that this is out of the ordinary.

Superior Power Washing
Chris Chappell
House Cleaning
Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning
I saw that video yesterday and it made me sick. That teacher should be fired, at the very least. Schools are not the place for forced ideologies, such as religion or politics. Those kids are a captive audience, and that teacher was taking advantage of that. It's criminal. Children are there to learn, PERIOD. How about spending more time teaching math, english, or science? This country obviously needs it.

+10 Very well said!

It is just sad that they are getting away with this kind of thing. Maybe they think that they will be awarded by obama or his czars or something for helping with the "mission" or something along those lines.

Superior Power Washing
Chris Chappell
House Cleaning
Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning
It is called associative teaching. The teacher is trying to get the kids to associate what they are saying to Obama. Most people that many of those principles are right, but she is teaching them at a very young age, that Obama is solely responsible for those principles. That is wrong. It is kind of like when an employee watches everyone else do the work, then he comes and takes credit for the whole of it. It is poor leadership and self serving.
my kid cant sing "jesus loves me" in school.... I dont want them singing about a man that has done nothing!!!! except be born a black man and become our president, and yes I respect him as our president, respecting someone and sharing the same ideals is a whole differnt thing...
I have no problem with saying the pledge of allegiance, singing the national anthem, prayer in schools, etc..... Praising a man is another story, whether he is the president or whatever. You should not be praising a man, no matter who, especially if you are religious at all.QUOTE]

What about praising George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Robinson?? I guess this like everything else comes down to different opinions. I think the debate about kids saying prayers in school may be a bigger debate then praising our presidents..
I have no problem with giving praise where it is due... What has Obama done to deserve praise?
It is starting to feel like he is our king... everytime I turn on the tv open a newspaper I see his face
I have no problem with giving praise where it is due... What has Obama done to deserve praise?
It is starting to feel like he is our king... everytime I turn on the tv open a newspaper I see his face

+10 Honestly, what has he done so far for our country???

Why would anyone sing praise to a president unless he saved them from a huge war, from plague, from famine, from some other biblical type of situation that would hurt or kill thousands or millions of Americans?

Has he done something like this yet but did not tell anyone?

What has he done to deserve the praise of him?

That does kind of go against what they teach in the Bible.

Superior Power Washing
Chris Chappell
House Cleaning
Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning