does anyone clean polished aluminum?


New member
i would like to talk with someone who has cleaned polished aluminum. i put some soap on the polished aluminum and it took the shine out. i would like to know what chems are good for this type of application. one of my biggest customers deal with this and i really do not want to loose them due to not knowing... :confused:
You cannot use any type of caustic soap or aggressive acid brightener on polished aluminum. It will satin out the finish, requiring polishing to bring it back. There are less aggressive cleaners for polished aluminum that will remove oxidation and brake dust without harming the polished finish. Consider, too, offering a sacrificial protective coating on the polished surfaces to keep them looking good longer and facilitating an easier cleaning next time.
I use an acid solution to clean. The key is to prewet the surface, use the acid and then rinse. It also depends on how you are applying and at what ratio you are using the acid. Too strong and it will immedialtely dull. While cleaning the rest of the truck I make sure to continue rinsing the polished so that drips form soap etc.. do not cause spotting.
Do not use high concentrations of Sodium Hydroxide or Potassium Hydroxide as it will etch the aluminum. (caustic) as Russ J stated above.

I had a interior basement to clean up once because of a sewer back up.(NASTY)
I got to job site and realized I had forgotten my plastic chemical resevior so I used a large aluminum cooking pot it was fine until just up to the end of the job when it ate through the aluminum bottom. Of course we were using a full strenght application, but
that should give you an idea of just how mean this stuff (caustics) is.
Caustic will etch aluminum and turn it black and all but destroy it if not applied correctly. GOAT.
without having to buff it out or anything like that i wouls like to know if there is a soap that woould not dull or etch it. what the company is doing is basicly when the dump trailer that carries sand and or gravel turns over they cut out the old aluminum and replace it with new. then they call me in to basicly match it all up. the last trailer i washed they wanted the old to look new and that just wasn't going to happen unless i turned the new to look like the old. without buffing the aluminum i could not get it to shine at all. also there is a large bit of welding they do so i have to get the welding resadue of as well to make the welds look clean.
thats what i thought and expressed to my customer. i'll tell him again and let him know that i will buff out but it will cost him a pretty substancial amount.
thank you for all the help it is well appreciated...