Dock (not deck) restoration

hi-temp hydro

New member
I'm looking into the possibilities of doing waterside dock restoration during winter pool (low tide if you will). Some winters the water level recedes beyond the base of the dock. I've had more than a couple of HO's that I've done this year mention this. I'm trying to figure out ways to stay environmentally friendly with or without a low pool. Neither my customers or myself don't want their little piece of lakeside heaven polluted by chems.

So has anyone run across this issue yet? Is there some kind of "safe" stripping agent or is an elaborate reclaim set up going to be what it takes? Even stain application is gonna be a bear! If I come up with something revolutionary I'll share it via PM with others needing to know, so feel free to do the same if you've got some ideas.
Take a few hours and and some 2x4s, nail them to the lowest accesible point on your pilings protruding out about 3-4' either side.. staple on some poly, be sure to roll it up the pilings, create a low lying "bowl". attach a water pump strainer to a shop vac hose (or self priming pump).

Be sure to do this on a nice saturday or sunday with some boat traffic.

Wanna create more attention..make some homemade bouys with signs reading"CONSTRUCTION ZONE NO WAKE PLEASE"
Why strip? I know a regular deck, I always strip except for solid , but we have done docks.
use oxygen bleach to clean and a water based stain.. No Problems