Do you think this would work?

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
The perfect plan to end the econimic crisis.


I would vote for this plan, would you?

President Obama,

There's about 40 million people over 50 years old in the work force - pay
them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations.

1) They leave their jobs. = Forty million job openings = Unemployment fixed.

2) They buy NEW American cars. = Forty million cars ordered = Auto Industry fixed.

3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage = Housing Crisis fixed.

Pretty cheap in comparison don’t ya think?
Hi all Rhys here, first post, sounds like a great plan , i would vote but i am from canada eh. But im just wondering is that 400 trillion dollars :eek: going to be visable to get.
sounds good
The perfect plan to end the econimic crisis.


I would vote for this plan, would you?

President Obama,

There's about 40 million people over 50 years old in the work force - pay
them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations.

1) They leave their jobs. = Forty million job openings = Unemployment fixed.

2) They buy NEW American cars. = Forty million cars ordered = Auto Industry fixed.

3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage = Housing Crisis fixed.

Pretty cheap in comparison don’t ya think?

So where would we get the 40 trillion??
We havent been on the gold standard for a loooong time. Google Fiat currency.

If even the amount of money that has already been allocated was put into the market, our dollar would be devalued beyond the point of recognition, crumbling the financial markets worldwide. We havent seen crumbling yet.

Its a good theory, just wouldnt work. What they are doing now won't work. It sounds like a cliche, but the only thing I believe will work, is cutting taxes. For everyone. Its kind of hard though when Pelosi instituted a rule that no tax cuts can be given without an revenue offset being put in place, effectively cancelling out the tax cut.

Your Right we have not been on the GOLD STANDARD, paper without anything to back it up is USELESS. You can't print paper money without something behind it and right now there is nothing behind it, so it is just worthless paper with a lot of Inflation to follow.

GOLD all ways has VALUE, not so much for our Dollar right Now.

But hey China will loan us more money, or should I say Loan us our Own Dollars Back. We are owned and Operated by China right now.

God Help Us....................
You can print it, But it just has no Value ;) We shall see this in the Near Future when all this money they are printing Crashes Our Economy even more and we go to the UN Dollar LOL. Thank God for the UN they will save us :eek: