Going to add my .02 worth here. As far as the 3500 @ 8 skid unit goes, you need to take into consideration as to what you are washing mostly. I visited your website, and it seems you are doing a good bit of vinyl. Using one of these machines is just short of a category 3 hurricane !!!!! (bye bye vinyl) Trust me on this one. You stated you could be missing out on a some commercial work due to not having hot water, but one of this size can also hurt you in the long run. Here is what I have learned since I have had mine.
They drink a lot of gas. The hose that is recommended is half inch pressure hose, which is not cheap by any means ( 3+- bucks a ft.) heavy as well when compared to the 3/8 line, and harder to work with as well. They drink a lot of gas. Wands dont seem to hold up very long without springing leaks, could be bad wands, but survey says 3 out of 4 aint too good. They drink a lot of gas TOO

. Some of the good thing though ... bubble gum is a thing of the past, without the hot water. Get a big guy surface cleaner, and take off running, just watch out for change laying on the ground. On the average commercial property, after washing and a question being brought up about something being left behind dirt/stain, chances are it just wasnt meant to be. A shopping center that I do would normally take 8-9 hours using my 3000 @ 5 skid, with this thing roughly 5 hours, had to stop towards the end and GET MORE GAS though. Another thing, 250 gallon water tank doesnt do much for this machine either. If you have any questions that you may not be able to get out of this, give me a ring ... I am just down the street from you, and do work in your area if you want to check it out, and I may be able to help you out on finding a used skid as well.