Diversity 2010

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
I'm not racist. I'm cultureist. There are cultures that teach their kids things that are rude and unacceptable in our society.

Here are some examples from a "particular" culture:

1) While camping at Lake Mead we drove 45 minutes offroad for a secluded camping spot on a finger island with our awning sticking out to the shore. At 5:30 am we are awakened by a group of 5 of "this particular culture" sitting under our awning on coolers, drinking beer and fishing. Within 10 ft of our camper door.

2) Lake Mead we camped at another spot 30 minutes offroad on a three day weekend. We arrived early. At about 8pm there arrived a caravan of Honda Preludes, Camrys, Aerostars and plenty of other vehicles that shouldn't have even made it that far offroad. By 4:30 am I was forced to go outside and show "that particular culture" that loud music at 4:30 am powered by construction generators as they sat on their sofas in the beds of pickup trucks is not appreciated in our culture. After a lot of pretending that they didn't understand english this was quickly accomplished by introducing them to some of our culture, namely the second amendment.

3) Again camping at Lake Mead, same weekend. After the weekend we picked up 5 completely full 50 gallon industrial leaf bags with the garbage around 100 of them left on the ground. I called the Park Service and they sent out a Ranger. I was told that they can't be everywhere at once and that this type of behavior was just "part of their culture". The Ranger did thank us for picking up the 5 bags and hauled them off for us.

4)At Chuc*y Cheese we came up to an empty race simulator and got in. A couple of "that culture" informed us that they had been waiting for that to open up so they could ride it. We aplologized for not seeing them waiting there and got out even letting them use the money we had just put in. 25 minutes later I interrupted them and told them it was rude to play the game over and over again as we stood there waiting to play. They told me it was their RIGHT to play as long as they want.

5)At one of the attractions on the strip there are two families of "that culture" that show up late to the attraction after it has already begun. They are about 10 people back from the front. Both families, kids and adults begin elbowing and pushing their way to the front. That is where it stops though this time because I tell the leader (the father) who I've watched elbowing his way through that when he elbows me or my wife or my daughter as he makes his way to the front he will be picking teeth up off the ground. He then pretends to not understand English but directs his family of "rudists" to stop just short of their front line goal.

6) It's the easter egg hunt. Fayth shows up early. She is the first one on the line patiently waiting for the "go signal". While waiting children and parents of "that culture" systematically elbow her and push her out of the way until she is about 10 deep and in the back. She gets zero eggs. (By the way, Fayth is in her age group, she's just taller than most her age.)

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What is the matter with these people?

If you are a member of this culture, you would do your people well to start an ad campaign teaching your culture not to be rude, not to litter and to respect the space of other people.

This actually worked in OUR culture in the 70's when everyone used to throw garbage all over the place until a national campaign taught us not to litter. It can work for your culture too.
You know what was just icing on the cake was that the staff told the parents like i dont know 15 times to let the kids get the eggs, NO parents! They even told the parents of the two- three yr olds if they can walk they can get them them selves. As soon as they said go, what happends the parents dont even listen to the staff. By the way this event was FREE. Can u imangine doing something nice for the community and alls you ask is the kids get in there group and no parents are to pick up the eggs.
****People wonder why kids are the way they are its because they have parents like the ones that were there today setting bad examples for there kids!!!
Sry I had to vent LOL
Go to any Walmart around here and I swear "they" drop their kids off like it's a day care. Little out of control midgets running straight into you (because they're not looking) look up at you, laugh, and keep going. I've watched these kids just grab candy off the shelf and start eating it. Common denominator, no parents or adult supervision anywhere.

Makes oxtomom look like a role model.
I hate to join in the bashing...But, I live in a nice neighborhood. At Halloween, we have typically handed out water bottles, and soda pop to the trick or treaters. The particular culture that you are talking about comes to our neighborhood by the bus load. The past three years, we have closed up shop at 7:30, because it is only that culture that is on our street. Worse, my wife, the meek, gentle person that she is, tells them, no costume, no treat, when they arrive before 7:30. This year, we had to close up even earlier, because they had us pegged. There were literally 35 cars parked on our end of the block, because they knew what we handed out. Any more, our neighbors do not even go out. And, as I said, at 7:30 we close up shop and turn off the lights. They still ring the bell, and we have had people yelling at our door, in a particular language to open the door, because they are thirsty. It really takes a lot of the fun out of it.

I pray it is a southwest thing, and not this way every where.
You guys are Nuts, this happens in all cultures. Its called competing, we are a society of people trying to get up on the next person.

Its a Shame but I see this everyplace, I see it at the game room. I see it at the pizza place. I see it at the stadium when adults are fighting over open seating.

I see this at open concerts when standing or lying in a good spot.

Camping Tony???? Really!!!

I keep my distance , all my life others will be ontop of you at some point. Unless you really 4by back deep.

I guess I was raised in the midwest, raised to share and be polite. I will admit my mother would have had me geared to get those eggs. She would have said you either move it or you wont get any.

Now the difference in what my mother would have done if she had seen Faith was ??? My mother would have told all of to give that girl a couple of our eggs because she didnt get any. That what Mom would have done, without question we would have done it. No mater if we only had 4 she would have split them with Faith.

Scott, i feel your pain. That why we as a nighborhood gather for Holloween at the park. Its called Truck or treat, our park is private and we pull our cars up in a line and visit each other at the tailgate of our cars. We get to meet the neighbors and get to know each other in the neighborhood. Its a great nite and I look forward to it with some other big block partys we have. I know not everyone has a private park, lucky we are with access to fields and courts and the public cannot play without a person with them.

I still dont agree with the agreesive behavior, I disagree with the parents not noticing Faith and asking there children to be kind and share a few eggs.

It sucks but if you do not get agreesive in this society you might be a bit behind.

Maybe I missed the point you guys are trying to make, I just remember being faith when I was little a few timesl. I balled my eyes out once because I found no eggs at something similar. My mother as kind as she was said he there you need to get faster. The next year I was ready....
The point wasn't about her not getting any eggs. The point was she was at the front of the line and they (parents too) pushed her all the way to the back. By the time the start bell rang she was already defeated.

We have over 300 kids here every halloween. The entire family comes up and everyone has a bag from the smallest child to the parents.

A different "culture" comes back over and over again if you have something good. For example our neighbor used to give out dollar coins. We've watched them over and over again, this "other culture" (not the one we've been talking about) goes to the door, gets the dollar coins, then goes just out of site and comes back with different masks on or they just switch masks, or just take them off over and over again. We have to go over and tell them to stop of they will take all the old lady has. She finally got fed up with it last year and said it's gotten worse and worse every year with the parents. This year was the first year she left her lights off on Halloween since 1963.

It's the parents. These are the people who've been trained to believe that the world owes them something and they are passing it down generation by generation.
The point wasn't about her not getting any eggs. The point was she was at the front of the line and they (parents too) pushed her all the way to the back. By the time the start bell rang she was already defeated.

We have over 300 kids here every halloween. The entire family comes up and everyone has a bag from the smallest child to the parents.

A different "culture" comes back over and over again if you have something good. For example our neighbor used to give out dollar coins. We've watched them over and over again, this "other culture" (not the one we've been talking about) goes to the door, gets the dollar coins, then goes just out of site and comes back with different masks on or they just switch masks, or just take them off over and over again. We have to go over and tell them to stop of they will take all the old lady has. She finally got fed up with it last year and said it's gotten worse and worse every year with the parents. This year was the first year she left her lights off on Halloween since 1963.

It's the parents. These are the people who've been trained to believe that the world owes them something and they are passing it down generation by generation.

I missed it I guess, those where adults pushing not KIds???? WOW!!!!!!!

I didnt read that, next year please video the parents from the front pushing Children around then you can play the embarrasing video over and over again for them.

I didnt get the impression those where adults in the video.
Wow, I guess it's only in the Southwest. Looks who's chimed in about it. Only Arizona and Nevada!

Don't worry guys, it's coming your way. I can absolutely guarantee it.

LOL I thought that was a green card give a way!

Tony the south still has good gun laws and rednecks! So we are good!
Wow, I guess it's only in the Southwest. Looks who's chimed in about it. Only Arizona and Nevada!

Don't worry guys, it's coming your way. I can absolutely guarantee it.
we still have big trees in the South!

Nice weather too!

Do you really want me to elaborate on what I think? :ignore:
I hate to join in the bashing...But, I live in a nice neighborhood. At Halloween, we have typically handed out water bottles, and soda pop to the trick or treaters. The particular culture that you are talking about comes to our neighborhood by the bus load. The past three years, we have closed up shop at 7:30, because it is only that culture that is on our street. Worse, my wife, the meek, gentle person that she is, tells them, no costume, no treat, when they arrive before 7:30. This year, we had to close up even earlier, because they had us pegged. There were literally 35 cars parked on our end of the block, because they knew what we handed out. Any more, our neighbors do not even go out. And, as I said, at 7:30 we close up shop and turn off the lights. They still ring the bell, and we have had people yelling at our door, in a particular language to open the door, because they are thirsty. It really takes a lot of the fun out of it.

I pray it is a southwest thing, and not this way every where.
In Detroit the night before Halloween half the neighborhood is set on fire. And unwanted passerby's are met with a bat to the knees,kidney and head (in that order) works best. Oh how I miss my childhood.
Hmmmm, who are the "Posses"? I thought your name was Shelton?
Hmmmm, who are the "Posses"? I thought your name was Shelton?

I'd better explain this one. When she was very little we called her "little possum" because she would always pretend she was asleep.

She couldn't pronounce "possum" and when she was sneaking towards our room in the morning we would call out - "Who's coming towards our room?" She'd reply..... It's the "possus!"

She's been "the possus" since then and will be till we die I suppose.

And that....is.....the rest of the story - "Paul Harvey".