Disposable filters

"I am looking for a source for disposable filters, any help would be appreciated."

Why would you want to locate disposable filters? A fine argument could be made that the filters would not be to NFPA 96 standard.

6.1.2 accordance with UL 1046, Standard for Grease Filters for Exhaust Ducts."constructed of steel" "rigid construction that will not distort or crush"

NFPA 96 2001 Edition


I didn't know the NFPA 2001 edition disallowed aluminum. Interesting. I was poised to obtain the new version except now I learn that the NFPA and the Uniform Fire Code will merge in 2003. Guess I'll wait for the soon release of the 'new' new version.
PH: (919) 554-2410
FAX: (919) 554-4605
If I only dealt with customers that comply with code I'd have no business to speak of. Most restaurants have aluminum filters, do not clean as often as they should, perform no routine maintanance, and are not aware of nor interested in codes. I am in the cleaning business and do my best to make customers aware of applicible codes but, if I do not give them what they ask for my competation will. I would love to see stricter enforcment of all regulations regarding Exhaust cleaning codes but, consider myself in the service business first and foremost. When I decide to get into the enforcement of NFPA codes biz I'll know its time to retire. And that's the way it is Sat 11/16/02.
It is not meant to turn anyone into a enforcement agent of NFPA. When working with the codes it makes your job and the customer better off. The soft metal have lots of disadvantages, some are price and the problems of cleaning. The price of the filters are the same, however the life is 25% of the steel filters.

Why anyone would use a aluminum or mesh filter is beyond me. If the store has a fire event the AHJ will look first at those issues that are not to code. You the cleaner must bring these issues to your customer.
