Dinosaur Meat?


New member

The latest in a line of unfossilized dino tissue which has included veins, blood cells, gristle, dna and muscle.

The latest:
The muscle tissue was preserved ‘organically’ in three dimensions, with many fine microscopic details. Its circulatory vessels were ‘infilled with blood’.

Observation - Dinosaur meat

Operational Science - All of chemistry and physics indicates the molecules and matter involved can not survive millions of years

Belief - They are millions of years old
Like jurassic park for real - actual tissue, not fossil from dinosaurs - how cool is that?
Fascinating. Another scientific theory disproven. I wonder how long until someone decides it would be in the best interest of research to clone it to see if the othe theories are true. There are so many ideas that could be disproven with this it is really mind boggling.