Delco's New Web Site

Larry Hinckley

Hall of Fame Member

We finally got the new web site up and running Please drop in for a visit and give your opinion. Thank you for all of your help!

Larry:D :D :D
Same Subject, More Info.

We at Delco Cleaning Systems of Fort Worth are proud to announce our newest Web site for the pressure washing industry, It will have many new advance features along with our new on-store where you can place your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

This new site is actually 3 sites in one, a web portal, the new bulletin board and the on-line store. Each has its own user database which will require you to register in each area. We are working on trying to tie all three databases together in one, so you only have to register once.

Please bear with us as this is a work in progress. We gladly accept you criticism (be nice).

Nice job on the site and a great interview with Phil-Can we update the old $150 manual?? Just had to ask!

Good Job

David:p :p
Looks like they have clearly done a great job.

I will share a bit of info with everyone. Who is really the number one site?

Its delco, Delco according to at least three independent companies’ that track this kind of stuff say delco is the busiest site. I don’t mean the BBS but that they receive more hits than any other site on the web.

Larry and Robert know this is the truth. I'm sure they will now see their BBS explode. All along they have been getting the traffic it takes just that their software was out dated. it will be interesting to see if now they get the post they should get.

Just so there is no arguing in this post Delco is clearly the Number one Pressure washing site on the Web. FYI

I wish Larry much success and look forward to tuning in to their BBS as well as many others.

Good luck Delco for taking it to the next Level.