Deal Of A Lifetime !!!

I came across a deal of a lifetime today, While going on a estimate today I seen a open trailer with a water tank and skid in a driveway. I went up to the door and asked the homeowner if it was for sale and he said I caught him at the right time he has a commercial pest removal company and he had a guy working for him last year doing flat work powerwashing, The guy just moved out of state and he is at whits end because he has no time to train a new guy because he is so busy. So he was going to put the equiptment up for sale, so I ask him what do you have to sell and how much do you want. The list is: 1 landa pghw 3000 psi 5 gpm (4.8)... 2 landa water jets.... 2 hose reels...250gal water tank...assorted guns.....600 ft hoses...400 ft heavy duty water hose.... 20 gallons of chems and a heavy duty open trailer all for the grand total $3250.00. so I ask him what about your powerwashing customers how much for your list, he tells me that he did 50 thou last year at this point i'm saying to myself
(here we go) he tells me we will sit down next week and go thru all his customers/contacts and we will call them and tell them I am now going to service them . so I say wait a minute HOW MUCH so he tells me NOTHING just treat them right... I almost died... so needless to say I am as happy as a pig in *%#@
Wow...........sounds like a good deal to me, plus future networking possibilities with this guy..........
WOW and I thought I got a good deal buying a rig half way around the world(Arizona) for twice that when I include shipping and I didn't get any customers with it.

Post a picture of it if you can. Damn I'm jealous!! 0ne of these days we got to hook up. Good Luck with your new rig.
You just don't know what this is going to do to my business !
I have a friend in the business (king kong Powerwashing & Painting) that has a fair amount of commercial work that he does and I am very careful not to step on his toes and go after his work or Clean County's work if i knew they had a bid in. (I'm funny like that I don't compete with friends) and this is a untaped market that you have to know someone to get and this guy as far as I can see was doing this part time so the possibilitys are endless.
Hey, when you're done with it, would you mind sending your luck down south just a bit? I could use some like that. :)
Do you know the quality of the past work?
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I also had a hard time him giving up 50 large a year... But his main guy moved out of state which leaves him high and dry because he has no time to train someone dependable. He has a very profitable pest removal business that does close to a million a year and it would most likely cost him more than 50 thou if he gets the wrong guy gets behind the pressure washer. So it's sometimes better to cut your losses. the thing that makes me happy is that we called 5 places and 3 of the managers want me to meet with them and the other 2 were not in at the time and I was told to call back. Plus he still has powerwashing on his business cards and will foward me any new work. In fact next time he needs cards if he keeps powerwashing on his card I will pay for them ( Nice guy ain't I )