DEADLINES --- Why use them?

We use deadlines in our plowing contracts and residential washing. We also use a hook or call to action...Offer a discount if they sign and send in their deposit within 10 days for example. After 30 days the contract is no longer valid and will have to be re-quoted if we still have openings.
We use deadlines in our plowing contracts and residential washing. We also use a hook or call to action...Offer a discount if they sign and send in their deposit within 10 days for example. After 30 days the contract is no longer valid and will have to be re-quoted if we still have openings.

Paul move the 30 days to 72 hours and watch your efficiency sky rocket!

Our PROFITABILITY is UP 167% this year over last year!!!!!!!
Awesome angle D.J.!

Makes Perfect sense.
I now have a larger follow-up campaign...

Trying your business approach on our next proposals.

WTG guys --- Let me know how it turns out.

PLEASE make sure you are prefacing it with an up front notice. I always let them know that I will have their solution to them in _____ hours (usual 48) and that in efforts to allocate time and resources appropriately I will be attaching a 72 hour deadline to the solution. Then I go silent for a few seconds. If this is a problem - this is when they will tell you.

Good luck guys....