Dan Flynn , Please Read

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
www.pressurewashinginstitute.com Opened 08-28-2001 1 year 5 months

Members: 846, Threads: 3,487, Posts: 21,150

Administrator Mike Hughes

www.powerwashnetwork.com opened 02-13-00 coming on three years anniversary

Members: 1,957, Threads: 5,284, Posts: 31,223

Administrator Dan Flynn,

www.thecleanernetwork.com opened March 29th, 2002 almost one year old

Members: 251, Threads: 731, Posts: 5,079

Administrator Glenn & Steven

PWNA>>>BBS opened 06-24-2002 7 months old


Members: 421, Threads: 463, Posts: 2,273

Administrator Mike Hindiliter

Deck guide opened 11/27/2001 two years two months old


Members: 756 Threads: 790, Posts: 4,763

Administrator Greg Rentschler

Special Note: Gregs BBS for deck care is doing well and supports a great format and has been stimulated by Greg In a positive way. This BBS hands down is going in the right direction.


PWN supporters, these are people who have paid money in the past to support PWN.

I want to thank these individuals for there belief and support of this network & other like it.

Regardless of what many think my relationship with Dan Flynn is I wish Dan Flynn, family and this network no hard feelings.

In discuss some of the e-mail’s I have gotten from people saying are you glad that this network is failing. My reply and answer is I wish no ill feeling towards Dan or his BBS.

On many occasions I have discussed Dan’s retirement with others and have said that I wish him luck and prosperity in any endeavors.

I had never any hard feeling toward Dan Flynn and never bad feeling toward the same people that supported PWI & any other BBS.

I apologize to Dan for anything in the past that he feels I have done wrong. When I stepped onto the bbs I thought I might be able to cure the world of pressure washing. Some morning I wake and wonder if I even made a dent?

You see so many people here don’t get along because she said and he said. It all bullshit and one big soap opera.

Every where I post I’m considered a troubled poster. I sick and tired of the crap….

These folks below donated 50.00 or more dollars when they thought it was needed. Hats off, too those who thought that it was worth it. I respect those who believed that it was important to support.

I feel bad now for those who donated and now have no voice. All in the past I didn’t at the time agree with Dan Flynn and would not lie down. I was strong headed and thought I was right. Right or wrong no one is a winner in this community. Divided we have become and divided we may stay.

Bigboy, I respect your decisions not to post on PWI. You’re a nut but I like you anyway. I won’t lye; I like not reading your riddles. Larry and I are friend so I can tell him like it is. I mention Larry because he is real…. Not many people on here real. Sorry folks I can only call it like I see it. Maybe one day I’ll stop by larrys and smoke the piece pipe..LOL just kidding. Maybe I’ll see him at the ocean. (inside joke) Larry I may take the same stand you have taken. Maybe its time my friend and maybe you are right. That hurts to say your right.

Dave Olson, Tidy

Jon, Oasis

Bridget, United Mobile

Dave S., A-1

Harold Brantley, Baldwin

Richard Craig, Pro Wash

Glenn Sh***ard, Ace Cleaning Service

Jimbucksix, Alsip Pressure Wash

JR Wood

Dennis & Gloria, Spraymasters

Shawn, Perkins Pressure Wash

Randy & Laurie, All American PowerClean

John Tornabene, Clean County Powerwashing

Douglas Hicks

Shawn Georges, Pressure Tek

Stephen Wilkins, Blown Away Power Washing

Aggressive Pest Management Corp, Jeff Klien (Jeffrey B.)

Tony Ward, Sprayaway

Gordon Mahrle, Great Lakes Power Wash Inc.

Bryan Exhaust Service Inc.

Deck Care plus, Rick Vagnoni

Dan Flynn built a nice web site; he broke off and was the first to do away from Delco. He will always be remembered I’m sure. Greg started his I started mine mike started his and Glenn and Steve started there’s. I think to date there’s about 20 all total.

In many posts on PWN I have said that PWN is a great BBS. And will always be force in the BBS networks.

Dan if you had not done it first then many others may have not followed. The industry has gained from these BBS.

I spent one year an eight months contributing to the powerwashnetwork. I enjoyed my time spent there and missed it. I made many lasting relationships and friends. Scott Stone made a post today about time spent on the web. I made friendships that are priceless. I have made enemies along the way as well. Sorry that Dan was one of them… yes there are other because of my posting style I guess or because people buy everything they hear.

Dan Flynn, some may say my post is not sincere, believe me it is. I’m sorry for any run-ins we have had in the past. I truly wish your family and you he best. I wish to put all bad feelings on my end behind me and may you and I both start new adventures. If you choose not to accept my apology that’s ok, I have cleared my head and will not allow anyone anymore to bother me about this subject any longer. It’s mute on my end.

My reason for posting this today is how many of these caring people that now want Dan’s BBS really care about it? Do they want it for personal gain or do they really want it because they care. I wouldn’t bs I see $$$$$$

Dan Flynn while some may have liked him I’m sure others hated him. I really never hated Dan Flynn just didn’t agree with him. I share I’m sure some of his disappointment with this industry as a whole.

I have to ask this question, if Dan hadn’t been first who would have? He was and he deserves a salute if not only for that he was the first. Many BBS around the same time failed. Many forget when Delco was the only game in town. Many forget that your where not allowed to talk about product use openly. Dan was first and his BBS is the largest and he deserves and salutes.

It makes me sick that it comes from his nemesis. I would have thought that someone would have had enough class to give him a nice farewell. Maybe he wouldn’t be using words like closing the bbs because he cannot see anyone grateful enough to carry it on?
Dan hates when I put words in his mouth but I read a little discuss in his posts in the last weeks. (Sorry in advance for assuming how you feel) I know I have pissed you off in the past and do not intend to piss you off again.

I’m sick of people hovering over PWN, buy it$$$ offer Dan Flynn the money. The man has worked hard for his dollars and gave something that can’t be measured. Funny you guys some of my friends say 200.00 dollars and you can have your own BBS. LOL,, that’s my fault for sharing that Info with others when I was pissed about the 50.00 donation. Dan Flynn has built a fully operational commerce site. It’s not the same as any of the other BBS. It has and auction with wild card potential. Not to mention it has doubled the member list. Is the data base worth anything? I’m gonna have more enemy’s after this post. DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The auction would cost you a bundle. Of course if you can’t make it work it’s not worth anything. you can try to start another but it will fail.

To the right person or perhaps the folks that miss the boat this site is worth every penny Dan ASKS.

I gave PWI to Mike because the site will never and can never make money. I started the site with that purpose and kept my word. Mike owns the site. PWN would make a good marriage for MIKE and a chance to make a couple dollars.

Dan Flynn started PWN and developed it like no one else has done. If he sells it hats off again. If he gives it away doubles hats off. Those who stand the most to loose better ante up$$$$

I can’t stand distributors pretending they don’t make money off BBS. Why would they be here? There wives can’t get them to church but they hand around here all week to save our souls for free….LOL I been told three surface cleaners in one months Via BBS, I have been told 1795.00 in one single chemical sale. These are guys that lay in the back ground. When I ran the bbs I never had so much free stuff sent to me.

Come on, if your really Dan’s friend Call your local dist and tell him or her about the BBS. Tell Dan to put the site on Ebay. Dan Flynn help the site, he owned the site. People complain about I don’t go here or there. People make the site, posters make the site happen. Pro’s and Nuts set the personality. People make the fruit cakes welcome. People Like Zippo, I personally get tired of it.

Early posts on PWN people called each other comrades. Now we all worry about the next bone we get or Billy bobs feeling after a post.

Dan Flynn thanks again for your foresight. Thanks for making me think about things that I may have not if I had not attended post on your bbs. Many owe you thanks for what they have been taught. Heads have gotten large and many have lost focus. We are all little people in this large community. I’m going to continue to have fun, stay out of people’s hair. I’m making a commitment to only post answers and start posts that teach people. I will have fun in the shoot the bull section but will not get into any more arguments. At least try>>>>>it’s not worth it.

Dan may your year be prosperous and get every penny that BBS is worth.

As you may be aware I have'nt posted here in a long time .. (no-need to get into reason's)

I stopped in here today to see If any body was bad-mouthing the PWN.Then I find this post..

You just showed me class you can tell it was sincere .

I am going to find a way to place this on the PWN not the link I want the words. I think it belongs there. It takes a man to step up to the plate and say what is in his heart.

I know it is not going to be long before alot of people gets tired of the BS on the BB .. I know I have left a couple of times and then come back.. But i do know this the next time I stop posting will be my last ..PERIOD.

Thank You Ron
and I would like to say to you that I am aslo sorry for any words I have said about you . You are an okay dude.. sometimes we buck horns b/c of my follower ideas .LOL.

take care man shoot me a e-mail some time
Where on the brink of war......its good to see that we can iron out our differences or at least try to. Life is just to damn short.

The data base alone is worth alot. Its like buying a used powerwashing company. You will pay alot more then just buying a powerwasher.
NO HE DIDNT ......... !!


