Coverall Building cleaning?

Luke D

New member
Hi guys, first time poster, I've been lurking for a while though!

I did a housewash the other day for a farmer I know, and he has one of those Coverall structures with a lot of algae on it. He is interested in getting it cleaned, I had no problem blasting the algae off in the test spot I tried, but that was using 3000psi from 12" away. I tried downstreaming straight 12% bleach and letting it sit, but it still seemed to take a lot of pressure to knock the stuff off. This thing is 70'x240' and about 40' high at the center. Any suggestions on how to get this clean? Thanks, LUKE.
better bleach if its just green algae and mildew. Are you sure the bleach was good. Try using a new injector and see what happens. A good surfactant always helps ie. Dawn, joy, if your out of options laundry detergent works well
Get rid of the old bleach, you are just wasting your time.
go get some fresh from a pool supply.
The bleach should be good, I've only had it for a few months. I will try it again this weekend with some more stuff added in the mix.
Theres your sign! :welcome:
Theres your sign! :welcome:

+10 hahahahahahaha That's a good one Larry. hahahahaha

In case you did not know, you don't store bleach, it does go bad, bad enough so you can't use it for a lot of purposes like Roof Cleaning and House Washing but you might be able to use it with the laundry, a lot of laundry.
I know bleach goes bad, but I didn't think it was that quick. I always keep it in a dark cool corner of the garage. I guess I'll get some new stuff, and try that out with some soap mixed in. I mostly do truck washing right now, with a few houses here and there, so I'm still learning on this algae stuff! Thanks guys!
Just a FYI, I have had bleach go bad in just over a month. It is not strong enough for downstreaming for House Cleaning.

It is not strong enough for Roof Cleaning but if you apply it straight with some soap, it might be good for Roof Cleaning to give you an idea.

This has been talked about over and over and over, if you care to read about it, do a search for bleach, bleach shelf life, etc....

Don't mix anything with the bleach until you are ready to use it.

Other chemicals like degreasers, acids, soaps, etc.... will last usually years.
I know bleach goes bad, but I didn't think it was that quick. I always keep it in a dark cool corner of the garage. I guess I'll get some new stuff, and try that out with some soap mixed in. I mostly do truck washing right now, with a few houses here and there, so I'm still learning on this algae stuff! Thanks guys!

Welcome Luke
Hate to say it again but try some OXIONE, i'll send you some for free!!!!!
What more could you wish for?
It will kill the mold and mildew, not just change the color.
Sorry for beating a almost dead horse, and it has only been a few month's sinds i joined.
Who'[s listening anyway?
The horse is dead!