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BY DAN ROZEK Staff Reporter
<!-- Article's First Paragraph --><!-- BlogBurst ContentStart -->An Aurora motorist blinded in one eye when a toaster-size chunk of ice blasted through his windshield wants trucking giant FedEx to help him find the semi-tractor-trailer that shed the ice.
Peter Morano on Wednesday filed a legal order seeking schedules, logbooks and images from security cameras at the massive FedEx truck depot in Aurora near the Butterfield Road location where he was hurt Jan. 4.
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Peter Morano stands in front of a photo of his vehicle's windshield that was broken by a chunk of ice.
(Rich Hein/Sun-Times)

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<!-- BlogBurst ContentStart -->The unidentified truck that dropped the ice may have been a FedEx vehicle -- particularly since the depot sits only a few blocks from where Morano suffered serious facial injuries that have left him blind in his left eye, said his attorney, Timothy Tomasik.
"It certainly is possible it was a FedEx truck," said Tomasik, who filed the discovery order in Cook County Circuit Court.
But he added that images from surveillance cameras at the facility and the documents sought could help identify the truck even if it's not part of the FedEx fleet. Security cameras at the depot may have captured pictures of the truck involved in the accident as it passed by the facility, Tomasik said.
"It very easily could have been just some truck travelling on Butterfield Road," Tomasik acknowledged.
The truck driver didn't stop after a viaduct scraped a layer of ice off the top of the vehicle, some of which hit Morano's windshield.
"I'm still waiting to hear if I will ever see again out of my left eye," said Morano, a 41-year-old businessman.
Officials at FedEx couldn't be reached Wednesday for comment.
That is a shame.

Sorry to hear about that.

Shows how dangerous ice is and what it can do.