Corruption and fleecing at it's best !!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Arrrrgggh that stuff is so frustrating these people need to go to jail. Lets hope the new congress can stop this corruption. If not then they should go to jail.
Hey Paul it's funny how 35 people viewed this disgrace of a video and only u responded. That my friend is why it is allowed to go on, people are not pissed enough I guess!!!

I know first hand that it takes up to a year to negotiate a short sale or forcloseure, I tried buying a few of them this year and gave up and bought a house that was listed for sale .
I'm pissed enough. Just very frustrated like most. In that year + properties take to get to market they go to crap condition wise. With the system explained in the clip we understand why it happens. You can also seen why Soros and his crew are enjoying the current economy. The fix is in.

We made a statement in the midterms yesterday but are we just trading one bunch of crooks for another? First week in office all the newly elected will be called on the carpet and told if they want to get anything done they better do what they are told. Once again the fix is in.

I believe until Americans march on DC with pitchforks (or?) and demand term limits this will never stop.
Corruption beyond belief. I have viewed the layman's versions of the "pork" and kickbacks included of the outrageous stimulus money Obango and his wrecking crew handed out like candy at Halloween. Problem is, we, the tax payers, are the ones who continue to get "tricked".

Thanks for sharing Nick. Wish I had more time today and these days to post more proof of what I have discovered. Someday soon I will find the time.

Socialism in America died yesterday. 2012 we retake the White House, and American citizens will once again regain control of America. May Nancy Pelosi be hit with a bolt of lightening. And Dirty Harry Reid also.
Arrrrgggh that stuff is so frustrating these people need to go to jail. Lets hope the new congress can stop this corruption. If not then they should go to jail.

Congress is all behind this!!!
US to spend $511 million to expand Kabul embassy

This Is such bullshiz we need to leave not put more money in. They will build this shit over there and not even think about what that money can do for our school systems or America's future!
Don't forget 200 mil a day for Mr O trip don't sweat it we can print more of it. And as inflation rate climbs and we can no longer pay for food
but its not a tax N.W.O