Congrats TRACY!


Ms Awesome
10 years with Sun Brite!! Happy Anniversary!!

I want everyone to know that Tracy has taught me most of what I know about pressure washing. He's been a large contributing factor to why Sun Brite is where we are now!

Thanks for 10 great years!
Congratulations Sunbrite and Tracy.
Awesome good job Tracy. Tracy has always helped me every time ive called thank you very much and keep up the great work.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone! It certainly has been an interesting ten years. I have met one heck of a lot of great people in this biz, and am very fourtunate to work with people like the Marentay's and Anglin's here at Sun Brite. Meeting industry leaders like Ron, and so many more have helped me learn, grow, and flourish in this industry. I have seen a lot of changes in our industry and can remember when very few really knew how to do what it is we do. When I first started as a deck tech, hardly anyone really knew how to take care of outdoor wood. Look at where we are now! I hope I have contributed to what we do in some small way. It's always a pleasure to help out a fellow contractor, and I am very fourtunate to be able to speak with so many every day. The bad thing about having ten years in is that it's making me relize that I'm not that young anymore! Any of you who really know me, knows I still act like I'm 21! I don't expect that to change anytime soon, though. I tend to be rather adventurous. This job assures that adventures are always close at hand! To mark these ten years at Sun Brite Supply the weekends adventure will be a skydiving jump. So if you call in next week and I'm not there anymore, you'll know why! (God this last sentance better be a joke!) Hopefully the jump will go well. I'll let ya'll know. It been a leap of faith from time to time here, so one more should be fine. Hopefully I'll be taking your calls on Tuesday! To the many contractors I call freinds, may you all have a great Memorial day weekend. Thanks for your business over the years. Here's looking to the next ten!
Don't worry...I will be there to make sure they rig the chute right. Don't expect that we are going to let something like a broken leg keep you from coming in on Tuesday!! hahaha!

And thanks to all who have wished Tracy well!!