of other uses http://www.taxidermy.net/forums/TanningArticles/04/g/04516AEC49.html :D
Lou hoods&more New member Jun 3, 2006 #1 of other uses http://www.taxidermy.net/forums/TanningArticles/04/g/04516AEC49.html
Kory Member Jun 3, 2006 #2 Damn I need new business cards again. Another service to offer I just hope I don't have any Peta customers. Hey maybe it's a way to meet Pamela Anderson!
Damn I need new business cards again. Another service to offer I just hope I don't have any Peta customers. Hey maybe it's a way to meet Pamela Anderson!
Lou hoods&more New member Jun 3, 2006 #3 Can your machine put out that much GPM?? ........ Pam Anderson
Kory Member Jun 5, 2006 #6 Gpm yes mine is 5.2 Psi no I have 3500 4k is alot I haven't seen many check this one out http://www.pressurewashersdirect.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=36_122_178&products_id=402 It has 5000psi at 4.6 gpm
Gpm yes mine is 5.2 Psi no I have 3500 4k is alot I haven't seen many check this one out http://www.pressurewashersdirect.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=36_122_178&products_id=402 It has 5000psi at 4.6 gpm
Squirtgun New member Jun 5, 2006 #7 I've seen pressure washers used to remove the left over meat from alligator hides.
Russ Spence Commercial Pressure Wash Expert Jun 18, 2006 #8 Pressure Washers Can Remove Most Anything....WITH THE RIGHT CHEM OF COURSE