Cleaner Time Came already

I didn't get my new Cleaner Times yet (IT seems like NY is getting there mail later then most area's since 9/11) But if it is the mag I'm thinking of then they do that once a year as far as listing all the companies that pertain to this business. Interesting maybe but pretty boring because of nothing to read.

Can't wait for the new Blastmaster Mag. If it is as good as the last one then it should be another beauty.

I no longer worry about when it will come, both Cleaner Times and BlastMaster were over a month late last time so when the arrive I will by then heard it all from you guys.

No biggie anymore.
Hey Jon,


So sorry to hear that you felt that everything was spoiled for you by others sharing their opinions and reactions to the content in the last issues. I read all those threads, and I didn't see the content of the issues included. Sure, the names of the people who wrote the articles were listed, but that's about as far as that went.

In the past, I can recall you saying that if you didn't want to hear something or see something on the board, then just don't read the thread. Do you remember that? It made sense then, didn't it? Good advice. And I think it was yours.....

As a writer I am truly sorry to hear you were disappointed and don't look forward to future issues with the same enthusiasm.

I have a copy of Blastmaster. I got it yesterday, in advance. And as I sit here writing this, a rough draft of the article due today lies atop my desk. I'm finishing it and submitting it today. I considered writing in response yesterday to the post about the upcoming issue, but wanted to avoid the issue of not letting the cat out of the bag.

I have truly enjoyed reading everyone's articles. I hope you do too!

Beth :) :) :)
Beth and Rod and all here,

Happy New Years to you too.

No Beth I still have the same feeling, perhaps I should have said it differently, try this for size:

Since the mail lately is taking longer to deliver magazines do to unforseen things that have happened a few month ago I am no longer worried if it is late.

I truly did not mean that everyone was posting what was written and they have not done that, sure a few asked what others thought about certain articles yet the full text was not posted.

And you lady have one sharp mind and memory.
Hi Jon,
I am glad to hear it, thanks for the clarification.
Thank you for your kind words. I'll try to remember them.... lol
