chemical tank


Member Specialist
Simple question, which is better and why?

saddle tank.

square or oblong tank.

I will be putting my chemical into this tank to either downstream or shur-flo out of.

What are the pluses and minuses of each.

Looking at appox. 35 to 45 gallon tank.


If you have enough room on your trailer keep them as low profile as you can is my opinion (square).

I just went through a few months of hell with a reputable company down near your neck of the woods who built me 20 gallon chemical tanks. I'm space limited so they built them tall and narrow and the seams split on them 4 different times, once in the acid tank and 3 times on the alkaline side.

I know for sure it was a bad design because they all split inside of a week and basically at the same spot, and one split on the first trip out. That acid spill was bad because it happened on a hot night and my windows were rolled up. Had to buy a new windshield.

The company made it all good and I went back to my old way of carrying chemicals.
Simple question, which is better and why?

saddle tank.

square or oblong tank.

Simple answer you been standing in the sun to long or the moon lite has been real bright one,what would make one better then the other and why is the space your wanting to apply it in or on,don't ya think.Of course hvy duty thick walled plastic would be best for chemical tank nomatter ifen it round,ya forgot dat one didn't ya.
They make 35 gal. drums like the 55 gal drums,if any farmers in your area see what they got free,I use them to store extra diesel and gas,rigs ready to go when they leave the shop.If I was you I'd check in on one I could pressure'ize,my next rig will have all presure'ized chemical tanks as in maybe going foam on some of them,may-BE.
ron p

keep talkin bigboy ive been checkin in on GLENN to see his 12 volt supercharger but im messin with my air pump tank thinkness and fill seal are the big things pvc pipe has a 400lb burst pressure some up to 1000psi
chem drums im thinking steel 30 gal
ya'll going hav'ta lay some green on me,not from freshly cut oak tree either.

really,I think a good qtly. plastic tank would all that would be needed,I don't think we'll need enough to blow the lid off,dat is on some spray tips but think would need steal ifen wanting to blow the stars out.I fixed one once out of a watertank that came out of a camping trailer,30 gal size,also rigged the same little airpump that was used in pressure'izen the tank,worked great rigged on a 4wheeler.Had to add a waterfilter b/c of the rust in the steel tank which I think rust would be a problem when useing some of the chemicals we do or eat it up.

figured Luckyboy would have said something by now but guess he went to buy him a hat.
Thanks guys,

First Bigboy I could not answer as I had a small computer problem, namely could not log onto the Internet.

Now as giving you something GREEN, sure no prb. nice fresh hot GREEN manure ought to do it!!

All good idea's really, and Steve's might be the payoff if my local car wash has one or more to offer me.

New trailer should have enough room once I get the reclaim system and vacaboom and other misc. on.

Then I will know just how much extra room, right now the spot for it is next to skid, 2 feet by 3 feet, can go longer but want to keep it there. Also might do try to do two tanks if I feel the need for them.

Bigboy what size trailer do you have anyway, seen enough pics and kept them but when other computer crashed they went with it. How bout sending me a couple more?

Ron, metal would sound more like fuel tanks although I am sure that it is possible to make them.

Chuck was it Ronco Plastics? if so Rich is a pretty good guy and would indeed stand behind his products.

Going to spoil me more soon, getting electric jack on trailer, no more hand cranking it on and off truck.

ron p

jon i know 5 gal containers are too small for you but i found a guy that sells them stainless steel soda cans for $20 pressure tested and everything
im going to start making them spray cans that you just use co2 or reg air pressure
no more pump ups
also going to use them to try and force feed the downstreamer like GLENN.
BIGBOY i sure would like your e-mail to help with some ideas.
did you know that your chem set up is just like a soda system? looks just the same cept they use a pump on each line where you use draw.
i wonder if i can set up a splitter to get milk from one side and chocit from the other? sounds like a good mix.
sometimes it takes me a couple of days to read between the lines but sooner or later i get it.
some co sell them tanks for $150 reconditioned.
Squirt, chocit and vanilla with a splitter, ROFLMAO, gad your going to make Bigboy feel left out in the cold, poor guy has enough to do without trying to best you on that one!!

Those soda cans, any idea how much you can do with one, I use 5 gallons per dumpster and back section of restaurants. Why I want a larger chemical containeer.

No name yet on trailer, not primary till I get all the new stuff on.

Steve, got it this morning, oh boy what fun it is, now to figure out why the bulldog does not release from the ball. I have to jump on the bumper to seperate them.

Trailer guy said it happens at times, everytime? New to bulldog hitches, could be they are that way.

I love pushing up or down buttons!!!
So ya want to have a nice fresh hot GREEN manure fight do ya,ever been hit upside D head with a freah hot horse biscuit or a hand full of goat buckshot,no manure soaked corncobs allowed.

Hey squrit,sometime this week I'll go to tell the fleet NO,thought about and thought about it,made mind up Saturaday not to,got a call from one of the drivers wanting his truck washed Sunday,so I got to go tell them I do not want to wash them,thats going to be hard to do man,they're friends and I know alot of the drivers.

Back to the tank,Jon if I build another rig it'll have 5,10 and 15 gal. chemicals tanks with chemical flow meters.I'm carring 130 gal. now of different chemiclas,4 25 gal. and 2 15 gal..Do you really need to add the extra wt. of the 30 gal. tank or would a smaller one do,if useing dry chemicals you could carry extra with you......I don't see how my wagon has stood all that wt. all these years but like I said I do not get out of a 20 mile circle.

You'll always want to add something to your rig ALWAYS,if you'll rem'ber to watch the wt. you can add more stuff.I'm wanting to add a aircompess on my next one as the reason for the smaller tanks,got to cut wt. to add stuff plus there is just so much room on a 16 ft. trailer with big supply tank and big chemical tanks.
Bigboy not worried about weight to much, new trailer is rated 12,000 GVW and if I did my homework will be carrying about 8,500 to 9000 pounds. Room to expand.

I will post pictures once I get it all done. Heck I am never all done, always doing something to it.

I figure a 30 gallon is plenty, only use degreaser so no need for several tanks.
If thats all you use why not just use it out of a 5 gal. jug nondu'ted.If its a liquid do not mix water with it in a chemical tank rather pull it striaght out full strenght from a 5,10 gal. tank,you'd haveta learn how to meter differently is all.

See ya wasn't listen again and I know ya heard ME,watch your wt. here and there b/c in your own words ""not worried about weight to much,""Room to expand.""................ and this will over'rule the not worried and to expand ->->->""Heck I am never all done, always doing something to it."" may look naked now as to the one you had but you'll run out of room on it too nomatter how much its rated for,,,,,,nomatter ifen you had a flatbed 18wheeler you'll still run out of room ifen you don't watch the wt. and size of things to come,hey put you a small shower and outhouse on it

Bigboy I lost that outhouse you sent me once with you sitting in it reading the paper so cannot put it on the trailer. As for a shower already have that in way of hot water skid, just have to turn heat down, way down.

Ok reason for the 35 gallon tank, would rather mix the and fill the whole tank before heading out rather then having to mix 5 gallons at each job location, sure it is not all the much time but still takes time.

Now as for always changing things, already thinking, dreaming and wishing I had a second hot water unit, could cut time down.

Like the 10 hours spent last night doing new accounts could have been cut to 7 with two machines. Gad if only I had a gold mine:)
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