Not sure what the draw rate is for 5 gpm. I run a 4 gpm and my rate is 8-10:1 d.s.'ing. The higher the flow, the less draw you get.
1-2% sh TTW is correct.
Eg. for a 10 gallon mix using the Delevan. Using 1 gallon of 12% to 9 gallons of water.
So 12% multiplied by 1 gallon, divided by 10 gallons total -gives you 1.2
Or 12 divided by 10 equals 1.2
This would be good if you were using the Delevan to do houses.
For using a 10 gallon mix and getting the same solution, the recipe is:
8 gallons of 12% to 2 gallons of water equals 9.6% SH.
So 12 multiplied by 8 - divided by 10 gallons total mix equals 9.6% SH. Then divide that by say 8 (8:1 draw rate equals 1.2 (1.2%) hitting the wall or TTW (To The Wall)
DISCLAIMER** Everybody has their own recipes and preffered mixes. You may want to try different things and see what works best for you or take someone elses advice instead. This will get you started anyway. Good luck and dont forget the soap!