Chemical ratio for houses w/out x-jet

Andy Hinson

New member
What should chem ratio for houses be DSing with 20% draw injector @5gpm? I have read you need 1-2% SH hitting house is this correct? If I were to use the FatBoy (sitting in the floor) what should solution be and how do you figure it?
I use the 5800 when i apply house wash usually for 50 gallons of house wash it would be about 1 1/2-2 gallons of 12%sh and the rest water with some soap mixed in .
Not sure what the draw rate is for 5 gpm. I run a 4 gpm and my rate is 8-10:1 d.s.'ing. The higher the flow, the less draw you get.

1-2% sh TTW is correct.

Eg. for a 10 gallon mix using the Delevan. Using 1 gallon of 12% to 9 gallons of water.

So 12% multiplied by 1 gallon, divided by 10 gallons total -gives you 1.2
Or 12 divided by 10 equals 1.2
This would be good if you were using the Delevan to do houses.

For using a 10 gallon mix and getting the same solution, the recipe is:

8 gallons of 12% to 2 gallons of water equals 9.6% SH.

So 12 multiplied by 8 - divided by 10 gallons total mix equals 9.6% SH. Then divide that by say 8 (8:1 draw rate equals 1.2 (1.2%) hitting the wall or TTW (To The Wall)

DISCLAIMER** Everybody has their own recipes and preffered mixes. You may want to try different things and see what works best for you or take someone elses advice instead. This will get you started anyway. Good luck and dont forget the soap!
Johnson, I'll bet you were very good @ math. Thanks so much for your advice. Is your injector 20% draw.

No problem.
I thought my injector was 20% draw, then other people with the same injector and flow said it wasnt. I havent tested it, but its said to be around 8-10:1.
I use straight 12% or 15% with a good squirt of soap.

Drop the DS'er in the top

We try not to think too much down here. lol

I actually do the same thing if I have a small job or just 1 house to do. Works pretty good and usually melts everything in 1 shot.
No problem.
I thought my injector was 20% draw, then other people with the same injector and flow said it wasnt. I havent tested it, but its said to be around 8-10:1.
Question?? How do you test it? I bet you know. I just figure the more the better. When I was last washing houses I had a 4gpm. Filled a 5gal. bucket w/ regular bleach and soap and cleaned for years. Didn't know any better.
Theres different ways.
Fill up a 1 gallon bucket or jug with water and soap. Drop your chemical hose in it. Put your soap tip on and spray into a 5 gallon bucket. See how many times it takes to fill up the 5 gallon bucket out of the 1 gallon bucket.

Eg. If it takes 1 time then its 5:1. 2 times its 10:1

I say to use soap in the jug so you know when your "soaping". Once that starts then spray it into the 5 gallon bucket. When it takes a few seconds before the soap actually starts coming out of the gun.
Chris It looks like you mix 1 1/2- 2 gallons sh to 50gal. water. How many 2000sq. ft homes can you clean with 50gal. ?

probably 1 to 2 house with it but it is very easy to fill up so if im low i just add a little sh and some more water and maybe a little more soap after you get the fell for it you will know what you need and what you dont.
Theres different ways.
Fill up a 1 gallon bucket or jug with water and soap. Drop your chemical hose in it. Put your soap tip on and spray into a 5 gallon bucket. See how many times it takes to fill up the 5 gallon bucket out of the 1 gallon bucket.

Eg. If it takes 1 time then its 5:1. 2 times its 10:1

I say to use soap in the jug so you know when your "soaping". Once that starts then spray it into the 5 gallon bucket. When it takes a few seconds before the soap actually starts coming out of the gun.
Johnson, are you saying that there could be enough water coming through the hose mixed w/the 1 gal. of soap mixture. to actually fill 5 gal. pail ?