Chat tonight

Very interesting to say the least.
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If anybody is around....

Please sign in with your BBS name.
This is NOT Scott's "Zoo Night" so keep it PG-13, please!

No specific topic. If you want to talk about something, bring it up.

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If anybody is around....

Please sign in with your BBS name.
This is NOT Scott's "Zoo Night" so keep it PG-13, please!

No specific topic. If you want to talk about something, bring it up.

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which is
10PM EST (for Scott and Reef)
Scott was still early.
I've got to tell him "The little hand will be on the 10."
Never mind.
Chat room is too glitchy.
Hey Ron, where were you today. You said you would be in the area. I guess I'll have to spend all of these "ones" by myself.:D
If anyone is around at 10 pm Central (that's 11pm your time, Squirt) I'll hang around for a little while.
Never mind, it's still glitchy.