Changing user name


New member
Hello, i would like to change my user name and do not know who to contact. Can you point me in the right direction.
Get ahold of Grant and he can do that for you.
Jim, Yours is changed.
Rezi send me a message and let me know what you want.
Thanks Grant, and Rezi for bringing up this question.

Jim we dont have a banner Standard, but if we did your buddy would be to much.

If you could size it down. Making smaller will not affect you one bit, it will allow people with a smaller Screen to view it.

So you know this BBS is view by mobile device 75% of the time.

Unigue users 43%
That better ???

Jim we dont have a banner Standard, but if we did your buddy would be to much.

If you could size it down. Making smaller will not affect you one bit, it will allow people with a smaller Screen to view it.

So you know this BBS is view by mobile device 75% of the time.

Unigue users 43%