Change of Company Name

I'm certainly not new here, but it has been so long since I have been on PWI a lot of you may not know or even remember me. For around eight years I was known as Palmetto Home & Deck.

Over the past winter I updated my equipment and give my company a new face lift complete with a new company name. I am now Sea to Summit Pressure Washing.

I had no idea how complicated a name change could be and I am still running into places where I need to make the necessary notifications. Such as here on PWI and other forums.

The name changes seems to have been a good thing and business has never been better. I still have to get the lettering on my truck and trailer changed, but I currently have several places working on the new graphics designs on that. I can't wait to see what they come up with.

I hope to do better about visiting PWI more often and you can also follow me on my face-book page at
That is a much better name. Great job!!!!!!!!!! I also have a client that was Palmetto, everyone is in SC. We reciently did a name and logo change for him as well. It is good you made the effort now it will separate you from the pack.

Good for you.

This was discussed several years ago with a guy that wanted the name "palmetto" as part of his business name and a lot of us tried to talk him out of it.

When there are a few or many companies in the same area with the same name or partial same name that only causes confusion with the customers whether the service was good or bad.

Like a lot of us mentioned to him, the name is not as important as the service quality you provide.

I would not want to be bunched together with several or a lot of other companies with the same name because if one or more did not offer good work then that is a small battle that you will have to fight often when talking with customers or if they think it was you that did a bad job, you might not get the call or worse, they might spread rumors about your company that might not be true and hurt your business and it was all due to having the same name.

I think you did the right thing by changing the name.

Good Luck.
If you want your screen name here on PWI changed from Palmetto, let me know in a PM and I will take care of it for you.