Cell #

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
I never realized how many of you guys used my cell number to call me, see I have a toll free number and a cell number directed to the same phone. Recently I changed my cell number, I had the same number for 5 years but it was a local Selma number and I felt it would be in the best intrest of my new local area to change it since you still have to dial the (334) to get me even though it was only a 45 minuite move. Now all of a sudden I get tons of people messaging me saying my phone is disconnected, its not, I still have the same Motorolla "Sled" I have had forever. My new Cell is 334-380-2053, my toll free to the same phone and number is 888-251-7647.

I try to get to as many calls as I can but it is hard to stop and talk sometimes I do apologize, it is not that I dont want to talk but it is impossible to talk to everyone. Last year Bob told me my phone rang more than Pressure Tek's and that was on a slow day (Sunday).

So feel free to call or visit the pressure wash site (I love doing that, I just learned how) use my contact page to send me a direct email, those get first priority over the regular account.

no no no NO ! KING OF FLATWORK !!!!! You can be my "Royal Hine Ass" :eek:

You aint going near my ass. You have to have an official title. Director of Flatwork , Commisioner of Surface Cleaning. You & Obama will make a good team. there's a lot of federal stuff that needs cleaning. I will do all the multi unit state & federal housing, you do all the flatwork. We can rule the world. Don't worry when you're the director I will do the usual Washington kick backs to you. Hey maybe we can hire some lobbyist to pay off some congressmen. LOL

If you want the official KING title you are going to have to move to England and have sex with the queen :eek: and marry her. Hope you don't mind old wrinkled women King
I've never called you but I have to say thanks for being so open and available. I am sure a lot of guys appreciate your valued help and input.
How do I get an official King title?
I thought you just had me blocked, I was in Prattville twice on Friday and tried to get in touch with you to get together, I wanted 16 cases of candles and needed you to mix my caustic bare handed. Thanks for being available, I had to make my own candles and burn my own hands. You and Stacie are still my heroes though.