Casey Anthony has been found not guilty of murdering

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Casey Anthony has been found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. The jury declined to convict her of either first degree murder or manslaughter.

The jury found Casey Anthony guilty on four counts of providing false information to law enforcement, which are misdemeanors. It's possible she could be released from prison later this week.

Clutching the hand of her defense attorney Jose Baez, Casey Anthony began to sob as the verdict was read. The rest of her defense team stood beside her, also clutching hands. She thanked Baez as she was swarmed by the defense team.

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I don't think there was enough evidence to sentence her to death. I personally think she was guilty but we may never know.
This is all that's on the news here. So now what? Are they gonna try to find and I convict someone else? I bet they have a hard time with that one.
Her Daughter was missing for what, 30 days and she did not feel inclined to report it to the Police? She may not have been found guilty for murder, but she is found lacking as being a loving parent. That sentence will be administered until the day she dies by the public opinion courts. Also, why if the Grand parents were so close to them that they did not see their Grand Daughter for 30 days or whatever before they reportedly found out she was gone? Thats why when I ever I have to deal with an officer I do not let them give me any lip as they are human also and can fall into the same predicament as the ones they arrest. Who knows whats going on in peoples minds at any moment or what they are involved in?

I had a HS buddy who was 2 years younger than me get shot in the chest over a traffic problem by a Pots Man. He cut the man off, the postman beeped the horn, my friend gave him the one finger salute which turned out to be too much and the man blew him away at the age of 18 or 19 and thats been 20 years ago.

A former Football Coach of mine lost his wife in the GMAC murders in Jacksonville Fl 20 something years ago. They repossessed the mans vehicle and that was all it too for him to snap. He flipped out and killed several and wounded more. He then killed himself. His Wife was only doing her job, but sometimes people are under stress so you never can tell.
Will they riot in Florida?

There is a good chance someone will get hurt. I am sick to my stomach that they let her off. The defense creates so many theories that they distracted the jurors. I never fallowed the trial cause I thought it was a slam dunk from the news and radio reports I heard. My gut feeling is they are going to go after her parents now. This whole thing was like a bad wrestling match with a crappy story line.
On Earth you may "FEEL" like you get away with things and for a bit you might, but there will be a day of judgment that can not be ran from. Perfect judgment from the perfect judge. We have declarative power, but God knows all the inside stuff we don't and if she thinks she is "getting by" she better get right cause when she takes her last breath it will be on like neck bone.

I feel so sorry for the innocent little child that went through so much trauma before her young life was cut short. She was the only one in this case that gets my sympathy.
I hope the useess bit*h dies s low panful death in the next few years. She was out partying and playing days after whatever happened. She's a pig

The prosecutor did put the caes together good enogh I guess and the jury just listened to the charge not common sence. They could of given her at least manslaughter.

Sad, I hope she rots in life and in hell in the next few years.

No real parent would be out partying after she dr
I really didn't know anything about this till today. Now I find out that my mom and other relatives and a lot of other people have been following this on tv for weeks. How do they find the time?

I don't understand the fascination with it. There's no justice today anyway.

No one cares if someone is guilty or innocent anymore. They just want to win the case.

No one cares, that is, but people like you guys and my mom who watch this crap and still believe that justice has a place in our society anymore.

How is this Casey Anthony any different for killing her kid than the prosecutor who hides exculpatory evidence that could save a life in a death penalty case. They are both the same in my opinion.

The only difference is there aren't millions of people glued to the TV waiting for justice for the wrongly accused. Their lives aren't worth as much as a child's. I guess.
I feel sorry for the 12 that found her not guilty. They are going to have live with themselves knowing that murder is walking free now. Also they are going to have to look at there family and friends say she was not guilty just so that could get back to there normal life.
Casey on the other hand casey is going to get hers there is crazy mother or father out there that is going to judge her and find her guilty give her what is call cowboy justise.
She is guilty as the day is long........ cover up a drowning to look like a murder, hide a body and tell no one. You don't have to hide an accident to protect yourself, accident happen. She will have to look in the mirror each day knowing she is a piece of garbage and that she should rot in hell.