Cant keep em

Jonathan Ellis

I have a huge problem with employees, I can not keep them for anything. Hours are limited, I do the majority of the work myself. I just picked up another contract and I have one pending and another that I am working on. Needless to say, I will have a lot of work. For newbees I start them out at $10 per hour. I do not offer any incentives (insurances, retirement, and so forth and so on). The reason I do not offer this is they are working limited hours. A full time person I would offer all of this. I like to show appreciation to employees, pay for snacks, dinner, etc. I took one of my guys to six flags last week and paid for half of everything just to say thanks. This guy was a hard wroker as was my other guy. The only cleaning they could do for me now is the inside of the jail house.
I continually told myself that I could not keep people due to the lack of hours, but I cant even keep someone on that wants to do it part time after their full time gig. I can not tell myself that anymore, there has got to be something that I am not seeing from where I am. Has anyone else ran into this problem and if so what did you do about it.
I have a guy that I am working on putting on full time. He is asking for $30,000 per year. I am trying to have this at my desired laber % rate before I bring him on.
What are the labor % rates that are being ran in other companies?
awww forget it