Call to arms!!!


New member
I need help from anyone who has access to the PWNA BBS. It seems Chris and I have been locked out for advertising the Bryan Sales Specialist School and we can no longer post on the PWNA BBS. I would be eternally greatful to anyone that posts this link in the Exhaust Cleaners forum

You can do a new post or just reply to the one that is there about the Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning School. Maybe they don't know that the school is free so they though we broke the rules by advertising.
So your locked out...:eek: Let's see your dealing with a elitists dictatorship mentality...and you don't like it..Why?
then again I'm not real smart......just notice the obvious:D .
Did you lose smomething at PWNA ? Why would you journey to that site-I thought it was closed down because the window cleaners were not pleased as to the numbers(true numbers) of members.

If they ban you-then we "go to the mattress(es)".
I cruise over there every once in a while and last week someone had posted an advertisement for a 2 day kitchen exhaust cleaing school. I though it appropriate to reply that you should learn to sell grease if you are going to learn to do grease and I posted a link to the Bryan Sales Specialist video. I can see them taking off the post if they thought it was inappropriate and asking me not to do it but I got banned from the site with no word from anyone. I had Chris do the same thing just to confirm that this is what happened and sure enough he got banned as well. I guess we go to the mattresses. I will make the sauce, Dave you go get the cannollis.
I just went over there and saw the post, I tried to put up the link but I got smacked down...silly me I have not joined the sindicate. I am not PWNA member, jeeze I can't think of a company in the Caribbean that is.....
I been telling you guys.......They don't give a f*ck about any of you. PERIOD....end of paragraph
I'd bet a c-note not one PWNA member has never or ever will get a reach around.
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Dang, you just got banned??? They closed the board to most of us long ago. Seems we weren't making Everett and Paul enough money..
russ s said:
I Think Its More Like 2.5 C Notes

member pay that much to be bent over:eek: ....and no reach around:eek: