Butyl concrete cleaner


New member
I've heard butyl mentioned several times for concrete cleaning and would like to know who uses it and for what conditions. I'm guessing when caustic can't be used?

PS Before those chosen few jump on the "use the search button" for some reason I get a "your token has expired, reload the previous page" error. I reload and still no search results. Can't figure that one out.
I've heard butyl mentioned several times for concrete cleaning and would like to know who uses it and for what conditions. I'm guessing when caustic can't be used?

PS Before those chosen few jump on the "use the search button" for some reason I get a "your token has expired, reload the previous page" error. I reload and still no search results. Can't figure that one out.

I used Stampede from Lori on paving stones and it did pretty good job. I think it is harder to clean paving then concrete so, I guess it will work good on concrete as well. Keep it away from asphalt seal coating.
I've heard butyl mentioned several times for concrete cleaning and would like to know who uses it and for what conditions. I'm guessing when caustic can't be used?

PS Before those chosen few jump on the "use the search button" for some reason I get a "your token has expired, reload the previous page" error. I reload and still no search results. Can't figure that one out.

You ever get your answer?
If you still have that pm I would like to take a look.....

It does work very well on concrete oil spills. 1:4 or 1:5 on oil spills; for general and light use: 1:8. Spray it directly on dry concrete so it can absorb into it. Wet concrete will reduce the effectiveness of the degreaser. Let it dwell as long as it does not dry out. The effect doubles if you brush it down and pressure clean it right after with very hot water.
This is mixture of my experience and the advice of Mr. Rex, who is the master in the field.

P.S. I am referring to Stampede degreaser.