Bush: Who will he pardon?

I was unaware that Bush Sr. Let Keating go!
He should pardon Ramos and Campean the two border agents rotting in jail for shooting a drug smuggler in the rear. What a total perversion of justice that was.
The whole system is corrupt where do you start, who do you choose?

Gov. John Rowland (R-CT)
Convicted, imprisoned 2004 for accepting free renovations to his vacation cottage as well as charter flights and vacations from a state contractor, and defrauding the Internal Revenue Service by not paying taxes on the free services.

State Rep. and House Minority Leader Galen Fox (R-HI)
Convicted on federal charges of fondling a woman on a Honolulu to Los Angeles commercial flight.

Pennsylvania Republican Congressman Don Sherwood had a visit from the Washington police after a 29-year old woman who was not the 64-year old congressman's wife called 911 and complained that Sherwood had choked her. Sherwood said he had merely been giving the woman a back rub. He is one of those holier-than-thou family values conservatives.

I think we need to clean house and start over, i can spit out the window and hit a few people more qualified than these corrupt loosers.
I feel he should pardon Ramos and Compean as well, but they were not doing their jobs. I know this is a touchy subject. But they shot at a guy 15 times and hit him once in the butt who had given up then decided to run. He had no gun was not threatening them just running away. yeah he was a douche bag with 734 lbs of weed in his van.
What they did was LIE, never said they shot at or hit anyone cleaned the crime scene up left and filed false reports about it then lied when asked so they betrayed the honor of the badge and office they represented.
How come you are the only one that I have ever heard that side of the story from? Seems that it would be more common knowledge, if it were true. I do know that they failed to report the shooting. Seems the rest is a he said, she said thing.
Ron, you are wrong. Bush senior did not let Keating out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Keating Bush senior was out of office in January 1993, and Keatings trials did not even start until April of 1992, and he was still appealing them, (while being free) in 1996. There is no need to appeal if you are granted a presidential pardon.
Now does Keating still have money? Absolutely.
Ron, you are wrong. Bush senior did not let Keating out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Keating Bush senior was out of office in January 1993, and Keatings trials did not even start until April of 1992, and he was still appealing them, (while being free) in 1996. There is no need to appeal if you are granted a presidential pardon.
Now does Keating still have money? Absolutely.

I said that, Someone did it.

Hes way rich

Lets just be glad that his days in office are about to end. Then again, look at who (either one) will go into office.

Lets redo it and bring back Huckabee
Pardons are given after you serve your sentence.

Commutation is a reduction in sentence.

I have given up on the whole system.

They are all crooks.
How come you are the only one that I have ever heard that side of the story from? Seems that it would be more common knowledge, if it were true. I do know that they failed to report the shooting. Seems the rest is a he said, she said thing.

No it's alot more than that, and it is the truth.People get wrapped up in the fact they shot a douche bag and are in jail. Yes they shot a douche bag. The covered it up and lied about it. It started as a Internal investigation and due to THIER actions it became a criminal case.
Have you ever looked atthe transcript of that trial?Or have you relied on what is said at forums and gone on the word of "what you heard"
want to hear what the prosecutor did at the trial go here;
That is the interview withthe prosecutor johnny Sutton. Those two lied, they got on the stand and lied there too. Do they deserve jail, probably not but they made that problem.