
Jonathan Ellis

I took one of my units in for service the other day b/c the burner was smoking worse than cheech and chong and they told me that it may be that the coil is sooted up and will need to be cleaned and re wrapped. Then they told me that it would be about $ 300.00. Now the other is doing the same, but not as bad. They also told me that I would need to leave the machine as it would take a day to day and a half to complete. I dont have a day or day and a half to leave it. Not being very mechanically inclined, is it hard to get the coil out and clean and rewrap it or am I better off just letting them do it?
yeah, from what I hear its a real pain. On the other hand, you should try taking the burner assembly out and just pressure washing it out. I put my reclaim vac hose inside it while blasting it. I took an old wand I didnt need and bent the end 90 degrees, and just sprayed it really good. Used a little degreaser. If you havent replaced the fuel filter and nozzle, do that as well. I didnt know smoking was caused from being sooted up.
get new fuel and change the filters
You don't want to get the insulation all wet it will ruin it. To clean the coil you need to disconnect the inlet and outlet and pull it out of the shell. Remove the insulation and wash the outside of it with a good degreaser. Then re-wrap with new insulation (you can reuse the old if it is not damaged or wet, but new is best) then reinstall and go to work.

It is not a hard job just extremely messy. It takes about 1-3 hours depending on the how the unit is set up.