Chris Tharpe
New member
The burner currently stays running for a bit after the machine is set into bypass. Pressure switch seems to be working correctly and there is a GP thermostat on the machine as well. Any ideas on where to start.
Check the entire system for water leaks. If that's OK, then I'd look at the flow switch.
Yes. Pressure/flow switch is the same thing (in theory). It controls the seleniod on the burner. I doubt it's the thermostat, because it doesn't control the flow of fuel to the burner, just the temp. Hopefully some more folks will chime in with suggestions.
This could be a potentially dangerous problem, because if the burner continues to run with the pump in bypass, the water in the coil is being super-heated and could lead to a nasty coil explosion. Make sure you get this repaired before using the rig for any work.
could be a unloader, we had one doing the same thing and the valve in the unloader some how had the oring it sits under turn sideways and get into the valve spring and the burner would continue to run