Burner Problem

Vince Wood

Active member
I've looked at haven't heard of this problem happening to anyone on here now I'm lost on this.

Hopefully someone can help me out on my Silver Eagle propane system...here is the problem...

I pull the trigger and the burner fires up fine, I can wash for 2 mins to 2 hours and the burner is still going. I release the trigger gun to switch from or to the water scrubber. I go to pull the gun again and the burner doesn't fire off.

I wait 3 or 4 minutes pull the trigger on the gun again and it fires off.

I'm thinking something is overheating that shouldn't be somewhere.

Could it be the thermostat going out?
heat continues to transfer, after the flame goes off, so the temperature continues to "wander"-up a bit..
If you run 200degrees, it could wander up to 210 or 220 before dropping down,
as the heat transfers from the steel pipe coil into the water.
a 210 dergree hi-limit would kick-off ..
and it has to cool down before it allows the flame is allowed back on again..
This "differential temperature should only be 15 or 25 drgrees with a high-limit switch,
and the adjustables are a little less, but as one fails, the differential can change to an annoyingly wider temp-drop.
get a temperature gauge onthe system to "know the truth" in what it's doing..
then bring out a volt-ohm-meter and call me if you like.
You may want to back-off the flame size a little to stop the problem,
or if you like the heat, you could upgrade the temp control to a higher setting.
By the way, if it uses a pressure switch to control that flame..
replace it with, or add a flow-switch for safety.
Thanks Jerry, I never thought of that. I think I'm pushing 16 or 17 PSI of propane through the line, I'll lower it down to 13 or 14 PSI to see if that helps.