Burner Prob


Hey yall I have been working almost every day and night ... I am so tired...Anyhow I went to work tonight and all of a sudden the burner started puffing smoke.. I checked the Diesel Pump, I checked the solinoid valve and fuel was getting to the burner.. So then I noticed the fire would light for a second and then go out for a second...So I narrowed it down to 2 things.. Transformer or Ignitors... I believe it to be ignitors because the brass ends where the transformers bus bars sit or badly pitted...If it is the transformer I have never seen one just cut on and off usually they just go out...So I am going to get a tune up kit at the local pressure washer place tommorrow and see if it helps ( it cant hurt ) If not it has to be the transformer which I am sure I will get ripped on .... Sad thing is I have 4 jobs to do by the end of this week and 7 to do next week so I got to get it fixed... Any other ideas >>>
Once the flame front is established, the transformer is not required to maintain combustion. I'm guessing fuel problem...clogged filter, clogged pump screen, blockage in the tank or line.
Just had that problem john. Remove your filter real quick or replace it and see if the problem exists still
This all started when I replaced the fuel hoses and replaced the fuel filter..but watching the burner it fires good for a feww secons and then the fire goes on and off..I pulled the copper line off and get a steady stream of fuel so fuel is making it all the way to the pump and then the burner fires just long enough to burn the raw diesel..
had somthing similar to that and it was a blocked fule line from the tank 2 pump. caused white smoke to come outof burner and reset button to pop.